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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

There are no charges or fees for the process of evaluating ,editing and publishing articles.

The guidelines presented below must be strictly observed. Failure to comply may imply non-acceptance of the submitted manuscript. The editorial team may ask authors to adjust their manuscripts to the required standards.

1. Manuscripts must be original and written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. In addition, manuscripts must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, including translated versions.

2. The file to be uploaded should be saved in .doc or .docx format and use only default text formatting. Authors’ identification must be removed from file properties.

3. Manuscripts with more than 4 (four) authors/co-authors will not be accepted. For manuscripts with more than 2 (two) authors, the role of each of the authors in the preparation of the manuscript must be informed to the editorial team. This information must be included in the Letter to the Editor.

4. The author should submit 3 (three) files:

4.1. One file containing title, abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish, main text and references. In this file the submitting author must eliminate any reference that may indicate the author(s) identity.

4.1.1. Any information about financing and development agencies must be included in the Letter to the Editor. In the submitted manuscript, authors' should insert a footnote with the words "information on financing" on the first page. If the article is accepted for publication, these words will be replaced by the actual information on financing.

4.2. A complementary file containing the following information: authors’ name, institutional affiliation, 500 words Curriculum Vitae and the URL of the Currículo Lattes. In case of contributions with multiple authors, the information of all authors must be presented. In this file the authors may include acknowledgments.

4.3. A complementary file containing a Letter to the Editor, in which authors state that the content of the submitted work is original and has nothing that could be deemed illegal, defamatory, causes conflict of interests or that may interfere in the impartiality of the presented work.

5. Manuscripts should be formatted as follows: 1.0 line spacing; font size 12; use italic instead of underline (except for URL addresses); figures should be included in the main text, not as annexes.

6. The article must have between 7500 and 8500 words, including the title, abstract and keywords (in the three languages requested), main text and footnotes, and bibliographic references.

7. The article must include an abstract in Portuguese, in English and in Spanish (between 80 and 100 words each). It should not be written in the first person and should include a general theme, research problem, objectives, methods and main conclusions. We would like to remind the authors that the abstracts and keywords are included in the word count mentioned in item 6.

8. Footnotes should be avoided. When necessary, they should be used only for clarification purposes only - never for references.

8.1. Quotations must be in the same language of the article. Therefore, quotations in a different language should be translated in the main text and the original version included as a footnote.

9. Figures should be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style.

10. The references must be listed at the end of the text. All references listed in the references section must have been actually cited throughout the article. The references should follow the examples below, based on the Chicago Manual of Style (Author date).

They must follow the models below, according to the format established by The Chicago Manual of Style. In omitted cases, use the provisions of ABNT NBR 6023.

10.1. Articles and electronic documents:

AUTHOR(S) Last name, First name. Year of publication. "Title". Journal Name. Location of Publisher, volume, issue, month and inclusive page numbers. DOI.

Miyamoto, Shiguenoli. 2013. Política Externa Brasileira: 1964-1985. Carta Internacional 8, no. 2: 3-19.

10.2. Books

AUTHOR(S) Last name, First name. Year of publication. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, 

Saraiva, José Flávio S. 2003. Foreign Policy and Political Regime. Brasília, DF: IBRI.

10.3. Chapter in a Book

Last name, First name. Year of publication. "Title of the Chapter". In: Title of the book, Inclusive chapter page numbers. Location of Publisher: Publisher.

Snidal, Duncan. 1995. “The politics scope: endogenous actors, heterogeneity and institutions”. In Local commons and global interdependence: heterogeneity and cooperation in two domains, 47-70. London: Sage Publication.

10.4. Conference Paper

Last name, First name. Year of publication. "Title of the Paper". In Title of the Conference and its location.

Ventura, Deisy de Freitas Lima; Perez, Fernanda Aguilar. 2015. “A política externa de saúde de Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014): elementos preliminares para um balanço”. In 5º Encontro Nacional da ABRI, Belo Horizonte.

11. At the moment of submission all information required in the system must be completed properly.

12. Manuscript structure: articles must necessarily include an introduction, conclusion, and bibliographic references. In the introduction and conclusion, charts, tables or figures are not allowed. The excessive fragmentation of the text should be avoided. We recommend that authors include only three sections in addition to those mentioned above.
13. ORCID ID: Carta Internacional will include in its articles the ORCID ID number ( of the author(s). This information must be presented when submitting the manuscript, according to is mandatory for submitting the manuscript (see instructions in item 4.2).
If you require any further information, please contact the editorial team by e-mail (


Temas Contemporâneos em Relações Internacionais

We will receive contributions in a continuous flow and publish up to two sections per year, following the guidelines presented below.

1) Authors must present a complete proposal composed of a set of 3 articles on a theme of their choice. Papers must be submitted in English or Spanish.

2) The applicants will choose the theme of the proposal. It must be current, related to the field of International Relations (see Editorial Policy, in the tab "About the Journal"), and object of research of international networks that include Brazilian and foreign researchers.

3) Authors must have different institutional affiliations. It is a condition for the acceptance of the proposal that the institutions are located in at least two countries. Considering the set of three papers, only one author may come from a Brazilian institution. We recommend that diversity and representativeness are observed for the group of authors.

4) For co-authored papers, the requirement of 1/3 of the authors (as indicated in item 3) should be observed and applied proportionally to the total number of authors of the set of manuscripts.

5) The evaluation of proposals will follow the same rules already adopted by the journal for the double-blind peer review. The external referees’ reviews will always consider the proposal as a whole. Based on the reviews the Editorial Team might accept the proposal for publication, demand revision, recommend submission for a new round of evaluation, or reject the proposal.

6) One of the authors should submit the proposal to the journal, including all the papers that integrate it. Manuscripts must be sent in a single document and separated by the respective title, abstract, and keywords. Proponents must provide a cover sheet for each paper, including the name, mini curriculum, e-mail address, and ORCID of the authors, and send it separately.

7) The articles that integrate the section proposal must be presented according to the following format:

- Each manuscript should have between 3000 and 4000 words, including footnotes and bibliographical references. Papers must be on the same theme and written in English or Spanish.

- The papers must contain the title, abstract in English and Spanish, keywords in English and Spanish, and bibliographical references, besides the text itself.

- The title, abstract, keywords, and bibliographical references must follow the formatting rules adopted by the journal (see tab "Submissions").

- For further information about the publication process, please see the tab "About the Journal".

Before submitting a proposal, we kindly request that proponents consult Carta Internacional’s Editorial Policy.


  1. The article must be original and written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. It must not have been published before and should not be under concurrent consideration by any other journal or publication, in whole or in part, in its original language or translated.
  2. Articles should be between 7,500 and 8,500 words long, including the title, abstract, and keywords (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish), footnotes, and bibliographical references.
  3. The abstract, presented in three languages, should contain 80 to 100 words and should not be written in the first person. It should include the general topic, research problem, objectives, methods, and main conclusions.
  4. Articles with more than four authors/co-authors will not be accepted.
  5. Bibliographical references should be listed at the end of the text, following the Chicago (Author date) system.

The complete submission rules can be found at and must be strictly observed. Other elements of the publication process are available at

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.