Parceria China e Rússia

bases reais para superar desconfiança histórica


  • Giorgio Schutte
  • Victor Sant'Anna Debone UFABC



After the end of the Soviet Union, Russia looked condemned to a marginal and subordinated role in the international system. On the other hand, China seemed to have linked itself to the US to achieve its development aspirations. By this, a partnership between China and Russia didn´t seem likely. This changed drastically since the beginning of 2000 and in the second decade, a new reality in Eurasia was consolidated. However, the literature diverges on how to analyze this process. On the one hand, emphasis is given to the new characteristics of this partnership. On the other, more attentions is given to its contradictions and fragilities. Our theses is that for an understanding of the dimension of China-Russian relations it is important to recognize the simultaneous changes in visions in China and Russian leadership. Not only regarding the international scene, but, even more important, also in relation to its aspiration for a sovereign national development process. To sustain this thesis the main aspects of the partnership will be analyzed: the economic relations; military cooperation; the Shanghai Organization for Cooperation; the Belt
and Road Initiative; the coordination in the UN Security Council; and the presidential diplomacy of Putin and Xi.


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Author Biography

Victor Sant'Anna Debone , UFABC

Bacharel em Relações Internacionais e em Ciências e & Humanidades pela Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Foi bolsista de Iniciação Científico pelo CNPq e da  Fapesp



How to Cite

Schutte, G., & Sant’Anna Debone , V. (2020). Parceria China e Rússia: bases reais para superar desconfiança histórica. Carta Internacional, 15(2).