África do Sul e o seu entorno regional

existe um subimperialismo sul-africano?





This text analyzes South Africa´s relations with its neighbors since the end of apartheid,
questioning the understanding that African National Congress (ANC) governments have
pursued subimperialistic policies. This analysis is supported by documents and interviews
undertaken in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Initially, an overview of South Africa´s
relations with its neighbors is presented, bringing to light the imbalance that typifies them.
Then I discuss the failed attempt of president Thabo Mbeki to lead an African Renaissance
under the frame of Nepad and its outcomes. Third section focuses on Southern Africa, as the
consequences of South African business expansion in Zimbabwe and Zambia are examined.
Next, I discuss if such expansion is strategized by ANC government, through interviews with
different players. In the final reflections, I suggest that although there is an imbalance in
South Africa´s relations to its neighbors, the weaknesses and contradictions of the State and
of South African capitalism in itself, limit its scope of intervention. As a result, the regional
expansion of South African business seems to take place despite any State strategy, thus
problematizing the characterization of such phenomena as subimperialism.


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Author Biography

Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Doutor em História Econômica pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor do Departamento de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Federal de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Barbosa dos Santos, F. L. (2019). África do Sul e o seu entorno regional: existe um subimperialismo sul-africano?. Carta Internacional, 14(1), 31–51. https://doi.org/10.21530/ci.v14n1.2019.882