Energiewende: german energy policy in times of green transition





Energiewende, Alemanha, energia renovável, capitalismo verde


Germany has developed an ambitious strategy to increase the share of renewable sources in its energy matrix and to enable the transition to a green industrial paradigm. Known as Energiewende, the policy implied profound structural transformations in the energy system. Participation of the residents and of small entrepreneurs stands out among its particularities. The state leads the transitional project by mediating the divergent interests among social and economic agents. The challenge is to maintain social consensus despite unequal costs. Individual consumers, farmers and some industries faced high electricity prices while energy-intensive industries were exempt, a disparity that attracts much criticism. The project involves dismantling nuclear power plants, which leads to increasing use of coal or natural gas. Another challenge is to keep investments on track. This article presents the topic from its historical development and shows that German energy strategy surpasses moral and economic concerns. Beyond economics and energy security, it is a broader plan to place the country in the vanguard transition to green capitalism.


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Author Biography

Solange Reis, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais San Tiago Dantas (Unesp, Unicamp, PUC-SP)

Doutora em Ciência Política pela Unicamp, professora colaboradora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais San Tiago Dantas (Unesp, Unicamp, PUC-SP) e pesquisadora do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Estudos sobre os Estados Unidos (INCT-Ineu)


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How to Cite

Reis, S. (2017). Energiewende: german energy policy in times of green transition. Carta Internacional, 12(3), 229–249. https://doi.org/10.21530/ci.v12n3.2017.649


