Ideology of consumerism and digital data in contemporary world order

a counterhegemonic proposal




Consumerism, Big Data, Ideology, Robert Cox


The paper discusses the ideology of consumerism and its manifestation in the contemporary
world order, marked by big digital data transfers. It is argued that such ideology plays a
central role today, naturalizing the act of consuming through its classic influencing tool, the
advertisement, which is enhanced by the technologies used by transnational data companies.
As this mass consumption reinforces socially and environmentally regressive hegemonic
processes, Cox’s method of historical structures is mobilized to present a proposal for a
counter-hegemonic structure to the one linked to the ideology of consumerism.


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Author Biographies

Stéfano Mariotto de Moura, PPGEEI/UFRGS

Máster en Estudios Estratégicos Internacionales por el Programa de Postgrado en Estudios Estratégicos Internacionales de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (PPGEEI / UFRGS), donde actualmente es estudiante de doctorado, investigando temas relacionados con la Economía Política de los Datos. Es periodista graduado por la UFRGS, con especialización en el área por la Universidad de Navarra / O Estado de S. Paulo. Actualmente es el coordinador de comunicación del Sindicato de Profesionales de Enfermería, Técnicos, Dietistas, Masajistas y Empleados de Hospitales y Centros de Salud del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul (Sindisaúde-RS). Plan de estudios de Lattes:

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Milan, PPGEEI/UFRGS

PhD, professor with exclusive dedication to the Department of Economics and International Relations at UFRGS. Professor of the graduate course in international strategic studies at the same university. He is interested in Financial Macroeconomics, Radical Political Economy, International Political Economy and Cultural and Creative Economy, with emphasis on Currency and Banking, Finance, Political Economy of the USA and Brazil, Power and Money, and Cultural and Creative Economy.



How to Cite

Moura, S., & Milan, M. (2023). Ideology of consumerism and digital data in contemporary world order: a counterhegemonic proposal. Carta Internacional, 18(1), e1288.