Germany as a Leader in Determining Cyber Threats in the European Union?

Neoclassical realist and conventional constructivist views




Economic strength, transatlantic relations and pragmatic assertiveness give Germany legitimacy as a central state for economic decision-making in the European Union. However, when it comes to security and defense issues, the country seems to place itself as a reluctant leader. Thus, its role of leader is challenged in the sphere of foreign and security policy. However, since the Snowden Case (2013), Germany stands out worldwide for leading projects with emphasis on the normative issue of cyberspace. Would Germany be a leading country in cybersecurity in Europe? The objective of the present study is to test the hypothesis that
Germany has a leading role in determining cyber threats in the European Union. As cyberspace has both material and immaterial aspects, the article seeks the optics of two theoretical approaches with different ontologies for testing the hypothesis: neoclassical realism and conventional constructivism. A single case research design is used, as it is conducive to deepening the research in terms not only empirical, but also theoretical. 


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Author Biography

Bruna Rohr Reisdoerfer, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército

Mestranda em Ciências Militares pela Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército e bolsista CAPES do Programa de Demanda Social. Bacharela em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2015). Foi assistente de pesquisa no Centro de Estudos Internacionais sobre Governo (CEGOV), estagiária no setor de inteligência comercial do Rio Grande do Sul e premiada com o destaque no XXV Salão de Iniciação Científica da UFRGS



How to Cite

Reisdoerfer, B. R., & Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). Germany as a Leader in Determining Cyber Threats in the European Union? Neoclassical realist and conventional constructivist views. Carta Internacional, 15(2).