The Araujista paradigm and Brazilian foreign policy

the alien conservatism




International Brazilian Thought, Conservatism, Neoconservatism, National Populism, Jair Bolsonaro


This article examines the influence of conservative ideas on Brazilian foreign policy during
the administration of Ernesto Araújo, first Foreign Minister of Jair Bolsonaro´s government
(2019-2021). This article presents two main hypotheses: (i) the foreign policy under Ernesto
Araújo is not based on the Brazilian conservative tradition; (ii) the conceptual models adopted
are based on a particular type of American conservatism, known as paleoconservatism. We
mapped the most relevant concepts of his international thought in texts published before
his appointment and then measured the occurrence of the main concepts in his speeches
as Chancellor.


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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Cardoso, Universidade Federal do ABC

Bachelor of Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2006), specialist in International Relations from Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Ciência Política de São Paulo (2011), Master in International Law from Universidade de São Paulo (2012), PhD candidate in Public Policy at Universidade Federal do ABC, since 2020. Lawyer and Professor at São Judas Tadeu University.

enrique carlos natalino, CEBRAP

Postdoctoral researcher at the Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2020), Master in Public Administration from the João Pinheiro Foundation School of Government (2011) and Law degree from the University of São Paulo (2006). He was a visiting researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA).

Ivan Filipe Fernandes, Universidade Federal do ABC

Professor of Public Policy at the Federal University of ABC. He holds a BA in International Relations (2007), an MA and a PhD in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (2010). He was a Visiting Researcher with a Sandwich Doctorate Scholarship at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (2012).



How to Cite

Cardoso, L. F., natalino, enrique carlos, & Fernandes, I. F. (2024). The Araujista paradigm and Brazilian foreign policy: the alien conservatism. Carta Internacional, 19(1), e1411.