China in Brazil: The quest for economic power meets Brazilian strategizing


  • Andréa Freire Lucena Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
  • Isabella G. Bennett Georgetown University


China, Brazil, Investment, Power, Strategy


China’s economic growth and the expansion of its companies have led to many questions about the country’s global objectives. Leaders in Beijing cultivate economic power to maximize the country’s global influence. Brazil, as one of China’s largest trading partners and top destinations for outward Chinese investment, has attracted much attention. This paper presents field research and scholarly analysis to demonstrate that China’s governmental institutions are supporting economic expansion into Brazil as part of a broader strategy to shore up global economic power. However, the Brazilian government has successfully limited Chinese investment in certain sectors, like agriculture, to protect its own economic interests.


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Author Biographies

Andréa Freire Lucena, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

Professor of Politics and International Economics at Federal University of Goiás. PhD in International Relations (University of Brasília).

Isabella G. Bennett, Georgetown University

Assistant director of the International Institutions and Global Governance program at the U.S. think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations. This article was written in 2013, when she conducted research under a Fulbright grant, affiliated with the Federal University of Goiás and China-Brazil Business Council


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How to Cite

Lucena, A. F., & Bennett, I. G. (2013). China in Brazil: The quest for economic power meets Brazilian strategizing. Carta Internacional, 8(2), 38–57. Retrieved from


