Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 11, n. 2, 2016, p. 152-176
Is there a Brazilian solution for every African problem? Brazilian Health Cooperation in Angola (2006-2015)
current total of US$ 200 million of net ODA (2011) encompasses less than 0.3%
of the country’s GNI – it could also play an important role in improving social
indicators as well as reducing poverty and inequality.
Among OECD’s Development Assistance Committee donors, the United States
is by far the largest in terms of gross Official Development Assistance (ODA)
– totalling approximately US$ 63 million between 2010-2011. European Union
institutions (US$ 26 million), Japan (US$ 25 million), South Korea
(US$ 18
million) and Portugal (US$ 18 million) are also significant donors. Donor’s ODA
is primarily directed to Angola’s social sectors, particularly education, health and
As with civil society organizations and donors, budgets of United Nations
agencies in Angola were significantly reduced over the past decade, which
contributed to a redefinition of scope of action in light of the GoA’s demands and
needs. As shown in Table 2, UN agencies’ efforts are concentrated in the GoA’s
institutional and human capital development, particularly through the provision
of targeted technical assistance.
Initiatives of UN agencies are based on the UN Development Assistance
Framework in Angola (UNDAF-Angola). UNDAF-Angola aims to harmonize and
integrate the UN system at a country level. The new UNDAF has not yet come to
fruition. UNDAF 2009-2013 prioritizes 4 support areas, highlighted by outcome
in Table 2. The World Bank Group (WBG) has similarly redefined its strategic
engagement in Angola. Following a decade of ill-established relations with the GoA,
the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International
Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) have released in August 2013
a joint country partnership strategy for 2014-1016
17 It is noteworthy that, although a DAC member, South Korea considers itself a South-South provider.
18 According to the OECD, population sector activities typically include population/development policies, census
work, vital registration, migration data, demographic research/analysis, reproductive health research, as well
as other unspecified population activities (OECD, 2015)
19 The World Bank’s institutional engagement in Angola was renewed with an Interim Strategy Note that accounted
for the period of 2003-2005, focused on macroeconomic stability programmes and disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration efforts. Many interviewees mentioned that the GoA nurtured some frustration with the Word
Bank during the first half of the 2000s, mainly due to the perception that the international institution had
not pushed strongly enough for the organization of a donor’s conference, as it was expected by the national
government. Subsequent attempts, supported by the World Bank, to constitute a formal development partners’
coordination structure in Angola were allegedly watered down by the Ministry of Planning. Two other Interim
Strategy Notes were developed for 2005-2007 and 2007-2009. With significant socioeconomic improvements
enabled by the development of the extractive industries in Angola, the World Bank decided to formalize a