Nathalia Candido Stutz Gomes
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 17, n. 1, e1195, 2022
NACP. 1950d. Offmemo “Brazil — Operating Spheres of Export-Import Bank and
International Bank”, Oct. 26, 1950, RASSLAA, RG 59, Subject File 1949-53 Bolívia-
Brazil, Folder Brazil 1949-1950, Box 2.
NACP. 1951a. Letter, ARA — Mr. Miller to Mr. Kuir, “Lunch for Minister Ari Torres
and Dr. Valentim Bouças”, June 7, 1951, RASSLAA, RG 59, Subject File 1949-53,
Bolívia-Brazil, Folder Brazil 1951, Box 2.
NACP. 1951b. Memo Joint Brazil-United States Economic Development Commission,
Oct. 9, 1951; CDF 1950-1954, Microfilmed M1849, Roll 4, 832.00-TA/10-951, RG 59.
NACP. 1951c. Merwin Bohan (Chairman of the JBUSEDC) to Edward G Miller (Assistant
Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs), July 28, 1951, RASSLAA, RG 59,
Subject File 1949-53 Bolívia-Brazil, Folder Brazil, Box 2.
NACP. 1951d. Memorandum enclosed in Embtel 915 from Rio to Secretary of State,
Jan 15, 1951; M1489, Roll 1, CDF 832.00/1-1551, RG 59.
NACP. 1951e. “Suggested Comments to be made in Mr. Miller’s Talk with President
Vargas in Pursuance of Vargas” Enclosed to Office Memorandum “Brazil: Economic
Cooperation suggested by President Vargas”, Jan. 15, 1951; RASSLAA, RG 59,
Subject File 1949-53, Bolívia — Brazil, Box 2, Folder Brazil 1951.
NACP. 1951f. Willard Thorp (Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs) to Dean
Acheson (The Secretary of State), Jan. 26, 1951; M1489, Roll 1, CDF 832.00/1-2651,
RG 59.
NACP. 1951g. ARA/E Mr. White. To ARA- Mr. Miller, “Brazil: Economic Cooperation
suggested by President Vargas”, Jan 31, 1951, RASSLAA, RG 59, Subject File 1949-
1953 Bolívia-Brazil, Box 2, Folder Brazil 1951; RG 59.
NACP. 1951h. Intelligence Estimate Nº 34, “Latin America’s Support of US Objectives”,
Nov. 23, 1951, Department of State — Office of Intelligence Research, Miscellaneous
Lot Files, 1944-59, Lot 58D528, Intelligence Bureau, Office of the Director, 1950-1959
Lot 58D528, RG 59, Folder I.E. No. 34 Latin America’s Support of U.S. Objectives,
Box 64.
NACP. 1951i. Edward G. Miller, Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs,
to Willard Thorp, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Nov. 28,
1951; RASSLAA, RG 59, Subject File, 1949-53 Bolívia-Brazil, Folder Brazil 1951,
Box 2.
NACP. 1952a. Embdes 562, Amembassy (Rio de Janeiro) Joint Brazil-U.S. Economic
Development Commission to the Department of State, Oct. 9, 1952; M1489, Roll 4;
CDF 832.00 TA/10-851, RG 59.
NACP. 1952b. Embdes 445, Amembassy to The Department of State, Point IV Budget
for Brazil for Fiscal 1952, Sept. 17, 1952, M1489, Roll 3, CDF 832.00-TA/9-1751,
RG 59.