Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Origin and analysis of Brazilian
cybernetic fragility
Origem e análise da fragilidade
cibernética brasileira
Origen y análisis de la ciberfragilidad
DOI: 10.21530/ci.v16n2.2021.1109
Ricardo Camerra
Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
The former National Security Agency agent Edward Snowden
uncovered evidence of US cyber espionage. Thus this study
examines the geostrategy of such cyber threats. The methodology
adopted entailed a qualitative approach. This way, we are able
to understand that a spread of US ICT during the 20th and
21st centuries has created a global dependence on American
technologies. Brazil’s failure to sufficiently develop its ICT sector
could have led it to being vulnerable to cyberattacks. However,
one cannot be certain that such a factor was behind the NSA
surveillance issue, as evidence does not imply a causal relation.
Keywords: The United States of America, Cyber warfare, Brazil,
O ex-agente da Agência de Segurança Nacional Edward Snowden
revelou evidências da espionagem cibernética dos Estados Unidos.
1 Formado em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
(ricardojcamera@gmail.com). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1165-6470.
2 Doutor em ciências políticas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
(blimarocha@gmail.com). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9372-112X.
Artigo submetido em 06/08/2020 e aprovado em 10/05/2021.
ISSN 2526-9038
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• Este é um artigo
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Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Este artigo estuda algumas correlações ligadas a essas ameaças cibernéticas, e a metodologia
envolve uma abordagem qualitativa. Dessa forma, entende-se que houve uma disseminação
das TIC norte-americanas durante o século 20, o que criou uma dependência global das
tecnologias estadunidenses. O fracasso do Brasil em desenvolver suficientemente seu setor
de TIC pode tê-lo tornado vulnerável aos ataques cibernéticos. No entanto, não se pode
ter certeza de que tais fatores foram os motivos da vigilância eletrônica promovida pela
NSA, visto que correlações não implicam em relações causais.
Palavras-chave: Estados Unidos da América, Guerra Cibernética, Brasil, Geoestratégia.
El exagente de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional, Edward Snowden, descubrió pruebas de
ciberespionaje estadounidense. Por tanto, este estudio examina la geoestrategia de dichas
ciberamenazas. La metodología adoptada implicó un enfoque cualitativo. De esta manera,
podemos entender que la expansión de las TIC estadounidenses durante los siglos XX y
XXI ha creado una dependencia global de las tecnologías estadounidenses. El hecho de que
Brasil no haya desarrollado suficientemente su sector de las TIC podría haberlo llevado a
ser vulnerable a los ciberataques. Sin embargo, no se puede estar seguro de que tal factor
estuviera detrás del problema de la vigilancia de la NSA, ya que la evidencia no implica
una relación causal.
Palabras clave: Estados Unidos de América, Cyber Warfare, Brasil, Geoestrategia.
Speculations since the 1970s on electronic surveillance by the United States
were confirmed in 2013 when several confidential documents were leaked
by former National Security Agency (NSA) agent Edward Snowden—who
revealed that the United States and its organic Anglo-Saxon allies had been
jointly conducting massive surveillance activities (European Parliament 2001;
Clement 2014).
Backed by national security laws, the United States had been intercepting
heads of state such as Dilma Rousseff as well as companies and government
bodies such as Petrobrás and the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (Clement
2014). Slides provided by Snowden (2013, 2014) revealed what seemed to be other
targets, such as Google’s infrastructure, Russian oil and gas company Gazprom,
Russian state-owned airline Aeroflot, the French Foreign Ministry, the United
Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Arab Emirates telecommunications company Warid Telecom, and the SWIFT
network of international interbank payments.
Since these revelations, Brazil has been reinforcing its strategies and institutions
to face similar cyber war threats. Such improvements have been implemented
through new legal frameworks and technologies, such as the Policy of Cybernetic
Defense, a Cyber Defence Command, a National College of Cyber Defense, a
system of Homologation and Certification of Cyber Defense Products, the Military
Doctrine of Cyber Defense, a program of development and innovation in cyber
defense, and so on (Vianna 2019).
Despite the Brazilian government’s intention to overcome its cyber fragilities,
one must consider that sectors of Brazilian critical infrastructure have been
intercepted in recent years. Hence, this study intends to project a general conjecture
for Brazil according to the following logic: since Brazil has been a target of
American intelligence, which uses cyber warfare techniques, and is dependent
on foreign information and communications technologies (ICTs) and—mostly
US—Internet content providers, there is a possibility that cyber-attacks directed
at Brazil could be linked to the country’s lack of national technologies3.
Regarding methodology, this study employed qualitative methods to collect
and analyze data. First, document-based research was employed, in which US
government files were selected, ranging from top secret files leaked by Snowden
to official reports available on government websites. Focus was given on files
related to Brazil as well as high-tech policies. The same procedure was used
to collect Brazilian documents, in addition to a literature review related to
international relations, ICT sectors, and cyber warfare.
Notwithstanding, the exact amount of foreign ICT components that
integrate the entire Brazilian society has not been found; hence, in this study, a
non-statistical sample was used instead of quantitative methods. Moreover,
a timeline with a retrospective logic was chosen for an investigation: starting
from the NSA cyberattacks that had been revealed by President Dilma Rousseff’s
government (2010–2016). Then, certain specific facts that occurred during the
3 This work, however, indicates some important factors: importation of telecommunications equipment, foreign
direct investment, and international cooperation with technological superpowers do not necessarily mean that
the country importing such services and products makes the country vulnerable to backdoors of embedded
systems or external cyber-attacks. In fact, even if Brazil masters all technological layers of the ICT sector, it
could still be a target of cyber-attacks. Moreover, mechanisms such as cryptography are currently available
for systematic protection. Therefore, it is important to clarify that this research does not intend to exhaust
such issues.
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Cold War and post-Cold War period were explored. The early 2020s, however,
were not explored as data and facts from after 2019 were not examined.
Second, an inductive reasoning line was developed to produce a generalization
for our findings, as there is no intention to build a quantitative study with causal
inferences. This study explains how the United States managed to spread its ICT
technologies in contemporary history, as well as demonstrating the Brazilian
fragility regarding its own ICT developments, bringing some general data of the
ICT sector to the forefront, as it outlines neither statistical data nor a stratification
of the whole high-tech supply chain4.
The first section of this article defines the post-Cold War scenario and some
concepts of geostrategy and cyber warfare. The second section refers to the
growth of US ICTs. The third points out the development of the Brazilian ICT
sector and its outcomes, and finally, the study’s conclusions.
From Geostrategy to Cyber War concepts
In this review, the post-Cold War scenario is analyzed in terms of general
geostrategy. It is evident that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO)
presence—led by the United States—has been increasing in Western Europe,
the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Far East. There have been
attempts at undermining Russia’s influence, dividing Russia and China, and
stopping the anti-US coalition of the Asian Rimland States. This is, for example,
what Zbigniew Brzezinski (2016) and Henry Kissinger (2015) advocated as a
standard strategy (Cohen 2014). Conversely, it should be noted that there is also
a reverse movement: the Sino-Russian rapprochement, the construction of the
New Silk Road, and China’s growing economic presence in all continents, in
addition to all the complex inter-Asian relations that have their own dynamics
(Agnew 2008; Mearsheimer 2019).
However, such a framework cannot be viewed uniquely in stationary geographic
terms because the dimension of geostrategic planning does not depend on
territories, boundaries, deserts, seas, mountains, or forests (Cohen 2014; Correia
2012). As Qiao, Santoli, and Wang (1999) assert, the strategic mode in which it
works originates new warfare standards.
4 For example, the industrial sector of submarine cables has not been analyzed, although an overview of satellite
manufacturing, parts of the IT sector, as well as the dominance of the telecom companies has been pointed out.
Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
After a DSP satellite identified a target, an alarm was sent to a ground
station in Australia, which was then sent to the central command post in
Riyadh through the U.S. Cheyenne Mountain command post, after which
the “Patriot” operators were ordered to take their battle stations, all of 12
which took place in the mere 90-second alarm stage, relying on numerous
relays and coordination of space-based systems and C3I systems, truly a “shot
heard ‘round the world.” The real-time coordination of numerous weapons
over great distances created an unprecedented combat capability, and this
was precisely something that was unimaginable prior to the emergence of
information technology (Qiao, Santoli, and Wang 1999, 11-12).
The importance given to the informational realm has shifted the focus of
armed forces and states to new concepts, such as cyber warfare. It can be explained
in varying ways. Nations, UN institutions, and authors may slightly disagree on
how cyber warfare is perceived, even though its fundamental meaning remains
unchanged. This article chose a general explanation, according to selected
authors. However, this work does not include discussions on individual-related
subjects, such as cyber criminals and cyber terrorism. Only the state-centric
vision of cyber warfare and the way its features work is explored.
New electronic technologies have thus been incorporated into the armed forces
in the 1980s and the 1990s, and a new vocabulary emerged. There is no longer
a traditional war, although this still exists in parallel (Andress and Winterfeld
2013; Kissinger 2015). In this situation, there is neither a formal declaration of
war nor an early warning, implying that cyber-attacks may occur at any time in
these scenarios. All means—not only hard power—are used to inflict damage on
enemies, such as cultural diffusion through social media to win public opinion
(Nye 2011), the use of economic sanctions to isolate and weaken a state, the
use of lawfare as a weapon, and cyber-attacks. A strategy of gathering all these
options of warfare is called a hybrid war (Andress and Winterfeld 2013; Nye 2011;
Kissinger 2015).
Consequently, cyber war goals include damaging the critical structures of
other countries (for example, the energy sector, water and sewage systems,
hospitals, telecommunications, the armed forces, and so on). To clarify, one
could “steal information [...] crash airplanes, or cause a missile to detonate in
the wrong place [...]; financial systems could collapse, supply chains could halt,
satellites could spin out of orbit into space, and airlines could be grounded”
(Clarke and Knake 2010, 38).
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Brazil’s Green Book of National Security—the Livro Verde de Segurança
Nacional—claims that critical infrastructures5 are “facilities, services, goods,
and systems whose interruption or destruction, totally or partially, produce
a serious social, economic, political, environmental, international or security
impact on the government and society6” (Presidência da República 2010, 19).
When it comes to the United States, the NSA, the United States Cyber Command
(CYBERCOM), and the Department of Homeland Security constitute the core of
US cyber warfare and defense (Andress and Winterfeld 2013; Kissinger 2015),
and these institutional branches have been conducting cyber war activities such
as supply chain attacks to implant backdoors into embedded systems, SCADA7
infrastructure, and commercial devices.
Hearing McConnell, or his successor, Air Force General Ken Minihan,
talk about NSA even on an unclassified basis, you begin to understand
why they believe re-creating some of its capabilities elsewhere is folly
and perhaps impossible. They both speak with real reverence about the
decades of experience and expertise NSA has in “doing the impossible”
when it comes to electronic espionage. NSA’s involvement in the Internet
grew out of its mission to listen to radio signals and telephone calls. The
Internet was just another electronic medium. As Internet usage grew, so
did intelligence agencies’ interest in it. Populated with Ph.D.s and electrical
engineers, NSA quietly became the world’s leading center of cyberspace
expertise. Although not authorized to alter data or engage in disruption
and damage, NSA thoroughly infiltrated the Internet infrastructure outside
of the U.S. to spy on foreign entities (Clarke and Knake 2010, 23).
Essentially, Richard Clarke and Robert Knake give the meaning of those
highlighted concepts as follows: “one former US intelligence officer told us, ‘this
may mean that no one can hack Windows easily to spy on China. It certainly
does not mean that China is less able to hack Windows to spy on others” (Clarke
and Knake 2010, 49). In other words, they explain how China has managed
to make a deal with Microsoft to allow the use of Microsoft software in their
5 The Brazilian government approved Act No. 10.222, of February 5, 2020, that is the National Strategy of Cyber
Security — E-Ciber. This piece of legislation encompasses similar concepts and provides the main relevant
guidelines to all the Brazilian governmental branches. However, this work does not intend to analyze this
piece of legislation.
6 Por infraestruturas críticas (IEC) entendem-se as instalações, serviços, bens e sistemas cuja interrupção ou
destruição, total ou parcial, provocará sério impacto social, econômico, político, ambiental, internacional ou
à segurança do Estado e da sociedade (Presidência da República 2010, 19).
7 Supervisory control and data acquisition.
Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
country, so as long as the American company relinquished its secret operating
system codes to China.
In this way, different versions of Microsoft software are circulated in China:
Versions that include Chinese government encryptions. Here, one can observe
the problem of backdoors, through which unauthorized software or hardware
weaknesses are put in devices to cause damage or assist in digital surveillance
(Andress and Winterfeld 2013; Clarke and Knake 2010). As China utilizes different
versions of Microsoft’s codes, it would be more complex for the United States to
spy on the Chinese government and civilians. This also implies that the United
States could engage in similar activities with other clients that do not have the
aforementioned advantages possessed by China. However, this also infers that
China could spy on other countries that utilize such software.
Such a deliberate operation occurs through supply chain attacks, in which
intelligence agencies—such as the NSA—secretly work with major high-tech and ICT
suppliers—such as Cisco, AT&T, Microsoft, and Verizon—to deploy unauthorized
backdoors that weaken devices within the supply chain of certain products,
such as aerospace technology and telecommunications (Deibert 2015; Powers
and Jablonski 2015). Hence, through these strategies, governments can emulate
massive digital surveillance. “As Admiral Mike McConnell has noted, information
managed by computer networks—which run our utilities, our transportation, our
banking and communications—can be exploited or attacked in seconds from a
remote location overseas” (Clarke and Knake 2010, 38).
As pointed out in the introduction of this study, the US government has used
the above strategies to access data stored or flowing through telecom networks,
to steal other countries’ critical information such as energy policies and military
secrets—not to mention the possibility of industrial espionage.
American ICT’s Origins and Strategy
The first section of this study has set the conceptual scope for analyzing the
issues proposed. The second section is essential for understanding American
cyber and telecommunications power. It aims to explore how these systems have
been structured throughout the 20th century. Historic factors will clarify how US
technology and telecoms became global, as if they were a geostrategic cobweb. That
is, this section intends to explore a summarized review of the development of the
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
US ICT industry and its global trajectory. For this reason, data and sources from
different years will be discussed. One will notice that the United States has been
leading the ICT sector in recent history, despite competition from other nations.
Telecommunications are not a mere byproduct of the United States’
military–industrial complex, but its constitutive part, which is why Schiller
(1992) defines it as the military–industrial–communications complex. The US
government had provided a strategic direction to this sector in the 1930s and
the 1940s. Young students and engineers and their small companies, such as
Hewlett-Packard (HP), had been connected to large academic laboratories, such
as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); the University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA); the University of Southern California (USC); Stanford;
Berkeley; and Harvard, and these research centers have been interacting with
corporations, such as RCA, Hughes Aircraft, AT&T, General Electric, Westinghouse,
Boeing, and their private laboratories (the well-known Bell Labs is an example).
All these research centers have been linked by the federal government in a
government–university–market arrangement, which means that they have
received government subsidies (Bingham 2016; Loveluck 2015; Mazzucato 2014;
Schiller 1992).
World War II and the Cold War were the main reasons for the national structure
of innovation. This context set the modern industry–military and communications
complex, giving rise to modern electronics and microelectronics (Bingham 2016;
Cassiolato et al. 2013). Such an institutional architecture produces a multitude
of products through the so-called spillover effect, such as satellites, the Internet,
micro-waves, new materials, and electronic devices. It is not by chance that more
than 90% of the demand for semiconductors from Silicon Valley comes from
defense procurement. Sun Microsystems, Apple, Silicon Graphics, Cisco System,
Fore, IBM, Compaq, NCR, Cray Research, Intel, Motorola, Bay Networks, and HP
are examples of Silicon Valley companies originating directly or indirectly from
DARPA8 projects, which demanded new semiconductors, electronic devices, and
software for the US Department of Defense (Bingham 2016; Cassiolato et al. 2013;
Loveluck 2015; Mazzucato 2014; Schiller 1992). Whalen (2014) and Chomsky
(1993) have called this the Camelot complex of private contractors, universities,
and government relations.
The American government managed to improve the internationalization
of its ICT sector after a series of events that occurred after World War II, such
8 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
as the consolidation of the American ICT market and the mastering mode in
which President John F. Kennedy’s government conducted and gathered interest
among the military, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
and private industry, such as AT&T and Hughes Aircraft. These actions brought
about a global telecommunication system through technical cooperation among
nations, in which the American government maintained its involvement through
joint ventures, exportation, and foreign direct investments—That is, the Intelsat
Consortium was created in the 1960s. In the 1970s, President Richard Nixon’s
administration introduced the Open Sky and Open Door policies, through which
institutional and political frameworks were designed for the projection of the US
high-tech industry abroad. Meanwhile, President Ronald Reagan’s administration
and its “Star Wars program” during the 1980s perfected innovation and technology,
despite disputes with the Soviet Union (The United States Office of Technology
Assessment 1985; Pelton 2017; Whalen 2002, 2014).
The United States, however, had understood that other nations would not
accept the predominance of American technology and political influence. For
example, France and West Germany had diplomatically pressured the United
States to obtain space and ICT technologies. However, technical cooperation was
not requested by only first-level allies, such as Western Europe countries. Japan,
South Korea, China, Indonesia, Australia, and India also requested agreements.
Brazil and most southern underdeveloped countries had been willing to cooperate
to improve economic standards as well (Cervo and Bueno 2002; Pelton 2017;
The United States Office of Technology Assessment 1985; Whalen 2014).
The United States thus understood the scenario as an opportunity to be
linked to other countries’ development. This happened mostly during the 1960s
and 1970s, which made the United States foster its policy of going global. Hence,
agreements between Japan and the United States in 1969, 1975, and 1980 are
exemplary in the realm of technological transference and cooperation, whereby
American enterprises would disclose space and electronics-related information to
Japanese companies and their government. This shows that American corporations
have played a major role in Japanese high-tech development (Borrus, Ernst,
and Haggard 2003; National Research Council 1996; The United States Office of
Technology Assessment 1985).
For example, a number of Japanese technology development programs
envisage an important international component. Several large U.S. firms such
as Motorola, IBM, United Technologies, General Electric, and the Stanford
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Research Institute, have participated in joint research and development
programs designed to pursue Japanese national research objectives. These
projects, which range from micromachine technology to supersonic propulsion
systems, to new models for software architecture, offer opportunities for
foreign companies to participate in significant development programs
(National Research Council 1996, 44).
Most importantly, this strategy supported the origins of a new supply chain
and entrepreneurship, the so-called Wintelism. Some of the characteristics
and features of Wintelism are innovation and disintegration, although they
helped the continuous process of internationalization of ICTs during the 1990s
(Borrus, Ernst, and Haggard 2003; Hart and Kim 2002). Wintelism—Windows +
Intel—refers primarily to the worldwide monopoly on computer models, processors,
and operational systems, which are maintained by the symbiotic relationship of
IBM—Microsoft—Intel. The IBM—Microsoft—Intel system was widespread
internationally through dumping, maintaining monopoly status, and institutional
support from the US government in World Trade Organization intellectual property
TRIPs (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property) in a way that the European
and Japanese industries could not compete (Borrus, Ernst, and Haggard 2003;
National Research Council 1996; Hart and Kim 2002).
Another example is the semiconductor and microprocessor sectors. Updated
data demonstrate American Intel and South Korean Samsung to be world leaders
in the microprocessor and semiconductor markets (Grimes and Du 2020). “With
US companies dominating semiconductor design and South Korea dominating
memory chip production” (Grimes and Du 2020, 5).
The electronics industry of the late 1990s bears only a passing resemblance
to that of a decade earlier. Some of the names are the same—IBM, NEC,
Toshiba, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Matsushita, Siemens—but
those big, vertically integrated assemblers of electronic systems no longer
control the industry. In their stead, a new generation of firms has arisen, mostly
but not exclusively American owned, who exercise the kind of market power
(and have attained the market capitalization) that is but a passing memory
for more traditional firms: Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Oracle, Netscape, Cadence,
Dell, Applied Materials, 3COM, SAP, Sun, Qualcomm, Octel. The new firms
look nothing like the old leaders (Borrus, Ernst, and Haggard 2003, 56).
Grimes and Du (2020) have reviewed the macrodata of the semiconductor
sector and found a leading position in the US high-tech industry:
Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
Having already identified the key companies in the different semiconductor
segments, it’s not surprising to discover that the US accounts for 51% of the
IDM sector (51% of the total GVC revenue), with 28% from South Korea, 11%
from Japan, and 7.0% from Europe. The US is also the dominant headquarter
location for the fabless sector (23% of GVC revenue), accounting for 62%
of the total, with 18% headquartered in Taiwan and 10% in China. Taiwan
has the greatest concentration of foundry companies (11% of GVC revenue),
accounting for 73% of the total, with the US having 10% and China 7%.
In fact, Taiwan’s TSMC alone accounts for 56% of global foundry revenue.
Again, the OSAT segment of assembly and testing (6.0% of the GVC revenue)
is dominated by Taiwan with 54% of the total revenue, the US with 17%,
and China and Singapore both at 12%. In addition to the dominant role
of companies from the US and South Korea in the semiconductor GVC,
Taiwanese companies clearly play an important role in both the foundry
and OSAT segments, while China is also growing in importance in both
the fabless and foundry segments (Grimes and Du 2020, 6).
Bearing in mind the perspective presented thus far, the United States has a
capacity over ICT networks that no other country seems to have9.“The United
States has 25 of the top 100 Internet access infrastructure providers, and 55.43%
of total Internet single-address traffic; thus, more than half of total Internet access
goes through 25 US companies” (Pinto 2015, 69). These data also resemble
the research of Ruiz and Barnett, with regards to the topic of “who owns the
internet.” One has observed the tendency of telecommunication frameworks and
concluded that there is an increasing concentration, centrality, and integration of
information among developed countries. Furthermore, the data indicate that the
United States continues to be the leader in terms of data traffic. This is where
geopolitics matters (DeNardis 2015; Ruiz and Barnett 2015).
At the center of the network of ownership are ten companies: Level 3
(USA), CenturyLink (USA), Telia Sonera (Sweden), AT&T (USA), Cogent
Communications (USA), Verizon Business (USA), XO Communications
(USA), Hurricane Electric (USA), Tata Communications (India), and NTT
Communications (Japan). The most central company is Level 3, with a 22.3%
share of the network, followed by Century Link 8.7%, Telia Sonera 8.5%,
AT&T 7.8%, and Cogent with 6.7% of the network. The top five companies
hold 54% of the network share, the top ten share 77.1% of the network, and
the top 18 companies share 92.8% of the network (Ruiz and Barnett 2015, 44).
9 It is important, however, to remember that the United States does not have total control of the whole
telecommunication and online networks. Otherwise, it could remotely activate the detonation diapositives of
the Chinese and Russian nuclear warheads, which is a real concern in Russia (Van Putte 2016).
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
This concentration of data implies what Deibert (2015) states with regards
to the organic relations between the private sector and government in the
United States. In other words, in addition to Facebook, Google, and Microsoft,
major data, service, and technology companies—such as Yahoo, PalTalk, Skype,
AOL, Apple, AT&T, Verizon, BT, Vodafone, Cisco, and Level 3—were involved
in the cooperation scandal of data collection for the United Kingdom–United
States axis intelligence, according to Edward Snowden’s revelations (Powers
and Jablonski 2015).
This manner of government pressure on the private sector illustrates the
importance of the physical geography of cyberspace. Of course, many of
the corporations that own and operate the infrastructure—companies like
Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Apple, and Google—are headquartered in
the United States. They are subject to US national security law and, as a
consequence, allow the government to benefit from a distinct homefield
advantage in its attempt to “collect it all.” And that it does—a staggering
volume, as it turns out. One top-secret NSA slide from the Snowden
disclosures reveals that by 2011, the United States (with the cooperation
of the private sector) was collecting and archiving about 15 billion Internet
metadata records every single day. Contrary to the expectations of early
Internet enthusiasts, the US government’s approach to cyberspace—and by
extension that of many other governments as well—has been anything but
laissez-faire in the post-9/11 era. While cyberspace may have been born
largely in the absence of states, as it has matured, states have become an
inescapable and dominant presence (Deibert 2015, 11).
Nonetheless, the federal government of the United States has a legal framework
that allows cyber operations to continue. For instance, there is the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA), the Communication Act of 1934, and
the Patriot Act of 2001. As the main structures and institutions that manage the
world Internet are located in the US territory, these pieces of legislation embody
the legal framework of the American government when it comes to the strategic
use of information—that is, ICANN
, 10 Internet root-servers out of 13, including
the root-server ‘A’ controlled by Verisign, and the biggest ICT corporations
(Andress and Winterfeld 2013; Bradshaw and DeNardis 2018; DeNardis 2015;
Deibert 2015; Powers and Jablonski 2015; Ruiz and Barnett 2015).
Oher countries, including Brazil, have proposed the transfer of Internet
root-server management to the International Union of Telecommunications, a
10 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
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United Nations institution based in Geneva, Switzerland. If such a proposal were
to be applied, the Internet would therefore not be centralized by one country.
However, the United States has not yet accepted this proposal. The American
telecom empire (Schiller 1992) does not want to give up its power (Andress and
Winterfeld 2013; Bradshaw and DeNardis 2018; DeNardis 2015; Deibert 2015;
Powers and Jablonski 2015; Ruiz and Barnett 2015).
Therefore, following the concepts highlighted in the first section, information
can be gathered and organized based on the logic that this article has been
indicating so far. In other words, the so-called going global of US ICT seems to
favor the American capabilities of cyber warfare (DeNardis 2015; Powers and
Jablonski 2015; Ruiz and Barnett 2015). The United States may have repeated
the alliance mechanisms between governments and companies, which has
been remarkably similar to the so-called seven oil sisters strategy
(The United
States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Multinational
Corporations 1975). Instead of big oil, telecoms have played an important role
in geostrategic terms and cyber wars.
Brazilian Issue
How the United States built its geostrategy on the expansion of ICTs and its
outcomes has been previously explained; should this scenario worry Brazilian
authorities in terms of sovereignty? This section summarizes the history of the
Brazilian technological and telecom sector and presents a discussion on cyber
vulnerabilities. This work, however, does not aim to reproduce all the historical
factors and interpretations involved in such an issue.
Telecommunications arrived in Brazil at the end of the 19th century, and
most companies at the time were American, Canadian, and German. Expansion
of the Brazilian communication infrastructure during the 19th century and the
first half of the 20th century was slow and troubled (Lins 2017; Pereira Filho
2002; Telebrasil 2004; Kubota and Sousa 2012). In the early 1960s, “80% of
Brazil’s communications were under the control of a Canadian company called
Companhia Telefonica Brasileira (CTB), working in the states of Rio de Janeiro,
Sao Paulo, Espirito Santo, and Minas Gerais. Meanwhile, the US company Cia.
11 In 1975, the US Congress produced a report in which the United States admitted that its geopolitical strategies
directly involved giant private national oil companies during the 20th century.
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
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Telefonica Nacional (ITT) connected the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul
(Telebrasil 2004, 13)12.” However, the Brazilian market has approximately 800
telegraph and telephone companies (Pereira Filho 2002).
The 1950s and the 1960s, however, were flourishing years for a nationalist
and anti-imperialist mindset, which had grown since the Vargas regime (1930–
1945). Even conservatives—but mostly left-wing and nationalist establishments
were willing to negotiate a new pattern of national development (Cervo and
Bueno 2002). These individuals claimed that foreign private companies were not
investing in either the expansion or unification of infrastructure, nor in research
and development (R&D). Thus, to create a national telecommunications system
that would be centralized and follow the strategic goals of development, Brazil
initiated a massive process of nationalization without paying compensations
(Lins 2017; Pereira Filho 2002; Telebrasil 2004; Kubota and Sousa 2012). “The
creation of a national systems of telecommunication ended activities of foreign
enterprises, such as Western Cables & Wireless (Telex), Radiobras (RCA), Italcable
(ITT) (Pereira Filho 2002, 38).” Leonel Brizola is an exemplary case. He was
the governor of the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul when he nationalized
the local ITT branch: an action that was completely against the policy that the
United States had been promoting (Cervo and Bueno 2002).
In 1963, the Brazilian Telecommunications Act was enacted, and in 1965,
the military regime centralized telecommunications policy and established
Embratel—a year prior to Brazil joining the international satellite communications
Intelsat consortium. The Ministry of Communications was created in 1967, and
in 1976, the Center for Telecommunications Research and Development was
established in the city of Campinas as a center for the development of national
ICT technologies. The creation of the holding Telebrás in 1972 established a
national system that intended to be universal and interconnected. Telebrás and
the infant technological industry have been backed by government procurement
in an attempt to emulate the American Camelot experience (Lins 2017; Pereira
Filho 2002; Telebrasil 2004; Kubota and Sousa 2012).
Along with communications policies, scientific and aerospace R&D institutions
were established between the 1940s and the 1980s, such as the National Institute
12 No início da década de 60, 80% das comunicações do País estavam com a canadense Companhia Telefônica
Brasileira — CTB — (Rio, São Paulo, Espírito Santo e Minas Gerais) e com a norte-americana Cia. Telefônica
Nacional, da ITT (Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul (Telebrasil 2004, 13).
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for Space Research (INPE), the Instituto da Aeronáutica (ITA), the CAPES-CNPq
system (for perfecting and coordinating R&D), the Ministry of Science and
Technology, the state-owned Embraer, and so on (Câmara dos Deputados 2010;
Santos and Neto 2005; Medeiros and Perilo 1990).
This period marked the attempt of Brazilian authorities to structure an
industrial–military and ICT complex to master foreign technologies. The process
was characterized by the installation of factories of large US and European
manufacturers in Brazil. However, these factories were branches responsible for
the decentralized production of some low and medium technological components.
There was no big science at work, near the scenario in Silicon Valley (Lins 2017;
Pereira Filho 2002; Telebrasil 2004; Kubota and Sousa 2012).
US technical cooperation has been quite limited in peripheral countries. As
noted in studies by Hagedoorn (2002), most R&D cooperation has been among
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations—
although there have been limitations even with regards to these nations. Neither
the world powers nor the United States simply desire to empower potential foes
or competitors. It has been a logic of deterrence in terms of technology and
intellectual property protection.
In this way, the growth of the country’s industrial capacity increased the
outflow of foreign currencies to pay royalties and inputs. Moreover, technology
faced challenges in Brazil due to the lack of other necessary production factors
(Santos and Neto 2005). South Korea overcame similar challenges because of Korean
educational and institutional measures to develop high-tech industrialization,
as well as the support given by the United States. In contrast, Brazil has relied
too much on foreign technology in the ICT and aerospace sectors13, particularly
the United States’ embedded technology, whereas Brazilians have not received
such support that South Korea has had (Teixeira 2005; Kubota and Sousa 2012).
Brazilian reliance on these sectors is critical regarding cyber vulnerabilities
(Fernandes 2015; Vianna 2019).
According to (Negri 2007), the Brazilian FDI attraction policies had no
requirements related to domestic technology development by multinationals.
On the contrary, Brazil adopted the understanding that the mere foreign
13 Regarding avionics and aerospace sectors, “How much share did the North America aerospace avionics market
accounted for in 2018? North America with over 30% share dominates the market due to presence of major
aerospace avionics system providers and major full cost carriers” (Bhutani and Wadhwani 2019, n.p).
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presence would be able to boost the national productive structure and
contribute to the local production of technology, using an ‘open doors’
policy (Chiarini 2016, 294)
From this perspective, as presented by Chiarini, Brazil had not managed to
develop national technology up to the 1970s. There was an astonishing lack of
R&D in the educational system and private sector, in addition to institutional–
political problems, lack of foreign cooperation, and the debt crisis during the
1980s. According to Herrera (1995), after World War II, Latin America received
considerable foreign support for the development of science and industry. Although
financial and technical support was nothing like what Europe and Japan received,
it was enough to start a technical basis. However, all efforts failed. Extensive
poverty, persistent social inequality, low standards of education, institutional,
bureaucracy, and political conundrum are cited by 15 Herrera (1995).
In this way, Gutierrez and Leal assert that these issues continue to be
important factors during the 21st century, given the fact that Brazil still has not
created a high-tech industrial complex, such as those created by developed or
developing countries, just like South Korea and China.
Brazil is one of the few countries among the largest economies in the world
that does not have an electronic complex that manufactures integrated
circuits. In addition, the manufacture of electronic goods in Brazil is
limited, with exceptions, to pure and simple assembly from a total set of
imported components (kits), which adds little value to the products. The
creation of an integrated industry will be a game change in this situation,
strengthening the electronic chain, as link dependence will be reduced
(Gutierrez and Leal 2004, 6)
14 De acordo com Negri (2007) as políticas brasileiras de atração do IDE não tiveram requisitos relacionados
ao desenvolvimento doméstico de tecnologia por parte das multinacionais. Ao contrário, o Brasil adotou o
entendimento que a simples presença estrangeira seria capaz de dinamizar a estrutura produtiva nacional
e contribuir para a produção local de tecnologia, utilizando-se de uma política do tipo ‘portas abertas’
(Chiarini 2016, 294).
15 These arguments remind us of the studies of the economist Albert Hirschman. However, as already mentioned,
it is not the intention of this article to reproduce all the interpretations and theories of Latin American
16 O Brasil é um dos poucos países, entre as maiores economias mundiais, a não possuir um complexo eletrônico
que contemple a manufatura de circuitos integrados. Além disso, a fabricação de bens eletrônicos no país
restringe-se, com exceções, à montagem pura e simples a partir de um conjunto total de componentes importados
(kits), o que agrega pouco valor aos produtos. A criação de uma indústria de circuitos integrados propiciará
uma reversão dessa situação, fortalecendo a cadeia eletrônica na medida em que será reduzida a dependência
de elos (Gutierrez and Leal 2004, 6)
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The value added locally by electronic companies has fallen, as corporations
focus on importing ready-made kits, and the knowledge of integrating technology
and engineering is getting lost. There are few sectors in which Brazil still has the
capacity to develop competitive technologies, such as optical communication,
banking automation, and commercial automation. However, the national software
industry is obtaining good results (Lima and Moreira 2014).
Some examples of Brazil’s technological dependence are mentioned below
in terms of how much the US ICT industry has penetrated Brazil’s critical
infrastructures. The following arguments are illustrations of segments of the
current infrastructure, given the knowledge gaps mentioned in the introduction.
As the methodology of this study warned, one did not find any aggregate data
Brazilian civil, military, and government satellite communications depend
on satellites built, owned, and managed by foreign companies: For example, the
Embratel Star One series: Brasilsat A1 and A2: Spar Aerospace (Canada) built
in partnership with Hughes Aircraft (United States); Brasilsat B1, B2, B3, and
B4: Hughes Aircraft (United States); Star One C1 and C2: Alcatel Space (current
Thales Alenia Space) (France); Star One C3: Orbital Sciences (United States);
and Star One C4, D1, and D2 (in development) Space Systems Loral (United
States) (Câmara dos Deputados 2010). Annual satellite services for monitoring
and imaging, data, and telecommunications of Embrapa, INMET, Ibama, Caixa
Econômica Federal, Casa Civil, the Institutional Security Office, the Ministry of
Communications, the Ministry of Defense, and Petrobras are mostly provided
by companies from the American military industrial complex and National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Câmara dos Deputados 2010). The
new Brazilian defense satellite (SGDC-1) was built by the French Thales Alenia
Space (Fernandes 2015).
In terms of website servers, according to data from Telegeography only
around 20% of Brazilian websites or websites accessed in Brazil are hosted
in Brazil. Most data are hosted by US servers. These data are similar to the
information presented as part of the Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy.
“Brazil represents 2.5% of the world’s Internet traffic, 40% of IP traffic in Latin
America, and is the Latin-American country with the biggest concentration of
installed submarine cables. However, it is home of only 0.9% of all datacenters
in the world” (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Communications
2018, 67).
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
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Airspace Control: The CINDACTA system (Integrated Center for Air Defense
and Air Traffic Control) controls the Brazilian airspace. The system was built in
the 1970s and developed by the French company Thomson, which is known today
as Thales (Sousa and Sousa 2016). Meanwhile, the SIVAM system for monitoring
Amazon was developed by Raytheon, an important American weapon company.
This foreign technological dependence is well perceived by the Brazilian Air
Force document Plano Estratégico Militar da Aeronáutia 2010-2031:
The pursuit of national self-sufficiency in aeronautics, space, and military
applications should be prioritized in order to reverse the current undesirable
situation of heavy dependence of the Brazilian Air Force on foreign suppliers
(especially for materials involving crucial technologies and export restrictions,
according to the political criteria of their governments (Ministério da
Defesa 2010, 85)
According to sectorial research by Gomes and Fonseca (2014), our index
of nationalization of technology in the aerospace sector is around 15% to 35%
because most technological and extremely sensitive inputs come from international
sources (Gomes and Fonseca 2014). For mobile phones and other similar ICT
technologies, Brazil lacks a national company that has managed to master
sensitive telecom segments. Companies operating in the domestic market are
merely service providers and communications operators (Kubota and Sousa
2012). Furthermore, the domestic industry only assembles components of the
mobile phone industry, such as Positivo Informatica (Lima and Moreira 2014;
Fernandes 2015). Approximately 80% of network services in Brazil are private
and international subsidiaries (Presidência da República 2010), and this situation
remains unaltered (ANATEL 2019).
According to Jorge Henrique Cabral Fernandes—a professor at the Department
of Computer Science of the Universidade de Brasilia—as long as the Brazilian
critical and military infrastructures depend on foreign-made sensitive telecom
components, Brazil will not have total defense capacity.
Without semiconductors for data processing, telecommunications, consumer
electronics, automotive production, and industrial automation (Ballhaus et
al. 2012), Brazil’s sovereignty is severely compromised. Although there are
17 A busca da auto-suficiência nacional em materiais aeronáuticos, espaciais e nos bélicos de emprego aeronáutico
deve ser priorizada, de modo a reverter a indesejável situação atual, de forte dependência da Força Aérea Brasileira
dos fornecedores estrangeiros (especialmente para materiais que envolvem tecnologias sensíveis e sofrem restrições
para exportação, por critérios políticos dos governos dos seus fabricantes (Ministério da Defesa 2010, 85).
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national computer and hardware industries, such as Positivo Informática,
which is among the ten largest computer “manufacturers” in the world,
all the chips used in the production line are produced outside the country.
The design and technological development of these systems are not in the
national domain (Fernandes 2015, 594)
Through an IPEA’s publication named Amazônia e Atlântico Sul: desafios e
perspectivas para a defesa no Brasil, Fernandes (2015) asserts that Brazil needs to
master the following high-tech segments to perfect its cyber defense and achieve
a level of national cyber sovereignty: autonomous electrical energy systems,
nanomaterials, high purity silicon wafers, semiconductors, microprocessor chips,
controllers and data entry and exit devices, firmware and device drivers, operational
systems and their utilities, programming language platforms, libraries of reusable
software components, computational applications of all types and for all purposes,
human-machine interfaces suitable for Brazilian culture and language, means of
wired transmission in optical fiber and coaxial cables, means of wireless terrestrial
transmission, means of satellite transmission of geostationary communication and
low orbit; modems, gateways, switches and routers technologies, autonomous
name service integrated to Iana, national symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic
ciphers19, semi-autonomous and decentralized public key infrastructures, and
doctrines and exercises of joint action (Fernandes 2015, 623).
From the above, one cannot deny that Brazil has not mastered the high-tech
layers of ICT chains. Thus, it has to import sensitive inputs for its critical
infrastructure. As the Plano Estratégico Militar da Aeronáutia shows, such a
dependence20 on foreign high-tech sector has worried officials of the armed forces
(Ministério da Defesa 2010, 85). The relations between the military–industrial
18 Sem semicondutores, seja para fins de processamento de dados, telecomunicações, eletrônica de consumo,
produção automotiva e automação industrial (Ballhaus et al., 2012), o Brasil continua a ter sua liberdade de
ação severamente comprometida, inclusive militar. Embora se tenha no país indústrias intituladas de informática
e hardware, como a montadora Positivo Informática, que se encontra entre as dez maiores “fabricantes” de
computadores do mundo,19 todos os chips empregados na linha de produção são produzidos fora do país.
O projeto e avanço tecnológico desses sistemas também não são de domínio nacional (Fernandes 2015, 594).
19 To master cryptography, technics are important if one points out the fact an important Swiss cryptography
company (Crypto AG), which has sold cryptography software to more than 120 governments worldwide, was
in the middle of an international scandal, in which Crypto AG was actually controlled by the American Central
Intelligence Agency. This way, US intelligence would have the source codes to break through the cryptography
that was sold.
20 It is not by chance that Russia and China have been managing to structure their own ICT and informational
complex. International powers usually avoid being dependent on other nations when it comes to strategic
sectors, even though nowadays it is not always viable due to the so-called complex interdependence and
outsourcing economy.
Origin and analysis of Brazilian cybernetic fragility
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complex and telecoms were clearly observed in the episode where Edward Snowden
leaked Anglo-Saxon secret files in 2013. Snowden’s (2013, 2014) materials suggest
that digital surveillance, backdoors, and supply chain attacks have hit Brazil’s
federal government, although the details of these attacks are not completely clear.
Some parts of the NSA slides were censured, which means that these materials
were only available for a few groups in the NSA.
Should this episode confirm the concerns of the Brazilian military? According
to Fernandes (2015), Brazil should avoid foreign ICT dependence due to cyber
vulnerabilities. However, one cannot be completely sure that such a correlation
exists. A significant amount of the available software and hardware segments,
devices, and telecom infrastructure of the country should be checked to verify
the quantitative data.
In short, by gathering theoretical concepts of international relations and cyber
warfare, in addition to concrete evidence revealed by Snowden, it is possible
to provide a general understanding of such an intricate hybrid war scenario.
Although this study may help academics fill gaps in knowledge, it admits that
such a qualitative approach is not sufficient to give an ultimate outcome.
Bearing in mind such methodological concerns, one claims that the United
States has managed to foster its key companies, which had the state of the art
of technology. They penetrate other nations’ development projects and markets.
This strategy has not only brought great economic benefits to the United States,
but also astonishing international influence and cyber advantages in terms of
cyber war apparatuses.
On the contrary, the integrity and sovereignty of Brazilian telecommunications
have been attacked by US cyber war structures. Considering that Brazil is deeply
dependent on the foreign ICT industry, particularly that of the United States,
there might be a chance that such high-tech dependence is linked to cyber
threats, such as those that Snowden has brought to light. This scenario implies
that Brazilian authorities should invest in ICT and cyber defense strategies to
strengthen cyber security. Further multidimensional studies are required from
fields such as IT, cyber security, national defense, telecommunication engineering,
and econometric studies to clarify quantitative data.
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