Ricardo Camerra; Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 2, e1109, 2021
national computer and hardware industries, such as Positivo Informática,
which is among the ten largest computer “manufacturers” in the world,
all the chips used in the production line are produced outside the country.
The design and technological development of these systems are not in the
national domain (Fernandes 2015, 594)
Through an IPEA’s publication named Amazônia e Atlântico Sul: desafios e
perspectivas para a defesa no Brasil, Fernandes (2015) asserts that Brazil needs to
master the following high-tech segments to perfect its cyber defense and achieve
a level of national cyber sovereignty: autonomous electrical energy systems,
nanomaterials, high purity silicon wafers, semiconductors, microprocessor chips,
controllers and data entry and exit devices, firmware and device drivers, operational
systems and their utilities, programming language platforms, libraries of reusable
software components, computational applications of all types and for all purposes,
human-machine interfaces suitable for Brazilian culture and language, means of
wired transmission in optical fiber and coaxial cables, means of wireless terrestrial
transmission, means of satellite transmission of geostationary communication and
low orbit; modems, gateways, switches and routers technologies, autonomous
name service integrated to Iana, national symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic
ciphers19, semi-autonomous and decentralized public key infrastructures, and
doctrines and exercises of joint action (Fernandes 2015, 623).
From the above, one cannot deny that Brazil has not mastered the high-tech
layers of ICT chains. Thus, it has to import sensitive inputs for its critical
infrastructure. As the Plano Estratégico Militar da Aeronáutia shows, such a
dependence20 on foreign high-tech sector has worried officials of the armed forces
(Ministério da Defesa 2010, 85). The relations between the military–industrial
18 Sem semicondutores, seja para fins de processamento de dados, telecomunicações, eletrônica de consumo,
produção automotiva e automação industrial (Ballhaus et al., 2012), o Brasil continua a ter sua liberdade de
ação severamente comprometida, inclusive militar. Embora se tenha no país indústrias intituladas de informática
e hardware, como a montadora Positivo Informática, que se encontra entre as dez maiores “fabricantes” de
computadores do mundo,19 todos os chips empregados na linha de produção são produzidos fora do país.
O projeto e avanço tecnológico desses sistemas também não são de domínio nacional (Fernandes 2015, 594).
19 To master cryptography, technics are important if one points out the fact an important Swiss cryptography
company (Crypto AG), which has sold cryptography software to more than 120 governments worldwide, was
in the middle of an international scandal, in which Crypto AG was actually controlled by the American Central
Intelligence Agency. This way, US intelligence would have the source codes to break through the cryptography
that was sold.
20 It is not by chance that Russia and China have been managing to structure their own ICT and informational
complex. International powers usually avoid being dependent on other nations when it comes to strategic
sectors, even though nowadays it is not always viable due to the so-called complex interdependence and
outsourcing economy.