Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Brazil and the Refusal to the
Additional Protocol: Is It Time
to Review this Position?
O Brasil e a recusa ao Protocolo Adicional:
chegou a hora de rever esta posição?
Brasil y la negativa al Protocolo Adicional:
¿Es hora de revisar esta posición?
DOI: 10.21530/ci.v16n1.2021.1108
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Despite its commitment to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons,
Brazil will not adhere to the Additional Protocol (AP) as long as
the nuclear-weapon states (NWS) do not advance in their nuclear
disarmament. In this context, the question arises: is this position
an effective way to pressure the NWS to comply with Article VI of
the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)? This article argues that it is
an ineffective position that weakens every year. Firstly, the article
presents an overview of the purpose of the AP and highlights the
number of states that have adhered to it. Secondly, it analyses the
Brazilian official position concerning the AP. Thirdly, it identifies
and analyses the states involved in the peaceful use of nuclear
energy that has signed an AP with the IAEA and how this could
affect the Brazilian position of refusing to sign an AP to pressure
the NWS to comply with Article VI of the NPT.
Keywords: Additional Protocol; Nuclear Disarmament; Non-
1 Doutor em Ciência Política (UFF). Professor da Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN),
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. ( ORCID: https://orcid.
Artigo submetido em 03/08/2020 e aprovado em 22/03/2021.
ISSN 2526-9038
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Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Apesar do inegável compromisso com a não proliferação de armas nucleares, o estado
brasileiro assumiu a posição de não aderir ao Protocolo Adicional (PA) de salvaguardas,
enquanto os estados nuclearmente armados (NWS) não avançarem no seu desarmamento
nuclear. Nesse contexto, cabe questionar: essa posição é uma maneira eficaz de pressionar
os NWS a cumprirem o Artigo VI do Tratado sobre a Não Proliferação de Armas Nucleares
(TNP)? Este artigo argumenta que a posição assumida pelo estado brasileiro é ineficaz
e enfraquece a cada ano. Incialmente, o artigo apresenta uma visão geral do objetivo do
PA e destaca o número de estados que aderiram a ele. Segundo, analisa a posição oficial
brasileira em relação à essas salvaguardas adicionais. Terceiro, identifica e analisa os
estados que assinaram um PA com a AIEA, evidenciando como esse contexto pode afetar a
posição brasileira que usa a recusa ao PA como forma de pressionar os NWS a cumprirem
o Artigo VI do TNP.
Palavras-chave: Desarmamento Nuclear; Não Proliferação; Protocolo Adicional.
The Brazilian nuclear programme has its origins in the 1950s when the National
Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) was created to formulate Brazilian nuclear
policy. Since then, Brazil has been developing a programme for the peaceful
use of nuclear energy, with two nuclear power plants in operation and a third
under construction. The country also has four working research reactors and a
fifth research reactor is planned. Also, there is a programme for the construction
of a conventional nuclear-powered submarine
(CNPS). It is worth noting that
Brazil has large uranium
reserves and dominates the uranium enrichment cycle.
This makes the peaceful use of nuclear energy one of the strategic objectives
of the Brazilian State, which receives more or less priority depending on the
2 This work was supported by the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
(Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES), Project PROCAD-DEF20191325566P.
The views and conclusions of this paper are those of the author only and should not be interpreted as
representing sponsor or federal government policies or endorsements.
3 The National Defense Strategy sent to the national congress in July 2020, uses the term conventional nuclear-
powered submarine to make it clear that this future Brazilian submarine will have conventional weapons and
that nuclear energy will be used exclusively for its propulsion (Author's note).
4 Brazil has the seventh largest uranium reserves in the world, with around 276,800 tons of uranium concentrate
). (World Nuclear Association 2019).
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
elected government. Brazil is also an active member of the nuclear weapons
non-proliferation regime, being a signatory to the major treaties that constitute it.
In this context, the Brazilian nuclear programme, and the Brazilian State’s
policy on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, has been the object of
study by academics in Brazil (see Leonam dos Santos Guimarães 2005; Mônica
Herz 2013; Matias Spektor 2016; Eugenio Diniz Costa 2017; and Matias Spektor,
Togzhan Kassenova, and Lucas Perez Florentino 2019) and outside the country
(see Togzhan Kassenova 2014 and 2016; Joseph Cirincione 2005; and Mark
Hibbs 2009).
Despite the consensus on the Brazilian State’s commitment to the non-
proliferation of nuclear weapons, the refusal of successive Brazilian governments
to sign the so-called Additional Protocol (AP) of Safeguards with the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has generated mistrust.
It should be remembered that the official Brazilian position presented by its
political and diplomatic representatives, as well as expressed in two editions of its
National Defence Strategy, is that Brazil will not adhere to the new incorporations
to the NPT, to expand the safeguards against proliferation, while the nuclear-
weapon states
(NWS) have not made significant progress in their nuclear
disarmament (see Brazil 2008 and 2012).
In this context, the question arises: is this position an effective way to
pressure the NWS to comply with Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT)? Theories related to proliferation and non-proliferation are central to this
article. There is comprehensive literature on the potential drivers for the country’s
decision to develop nuclear weapons (see Sagan 1996 and 2011, Waltz 1999 and
Cirincione 2008), and on the dynamics of proliferation and non-proliferation (see
Zanders 2013). However, this article focuses on the three approaches to nuclear
non-proliferation: multilateral, plurilateral, and unilateral (see Abe 2007).
The multilateral approach focuses on the United Nations, primarily within
the framework of the NPT and IAEA safeguards. The plurilateral focuses on like-
minded states coming together to strengthen and complement national efforts on
non-proliferation. The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is the quintessence of this
kind of approach. The unilateral approach focuses on the use of force to prevent
5 According to Article IX, item 3 of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), ‘a nuclear-
weapon State is one which has manufactured and exploded a nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive
device prior to 1 January 1967’. Therefore, USA, Soviet Union (now Russia), United Kingdom, France and
China are de jure nuclear-weapon states (see UNODA. NPT, Text of the Treaty).
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
proliferation within the framework of the right of an individual and collective
defence against the existence of a real or imminent threat of proliferation or a
specific proliferator (See Abe 2007).
The focus of this article is on the multilateral approach since the research
question addressed here is part of the debate that arises from interpreting Article
II vis-a-vis Article VI of the NPT, that is: non-proliferation must be accompanied
by disarmament or non-proliferation must precede nuclear disarmament. In other
words: Non-nuclear-weapon states (NNWS) non-proliferation efforts must be
accompanied by NWS disarmament outcomes, or NNWS non-proliferation is a
precondition for NWS disarmament.
It can be argued that the NWS nuclear disarmament obligation is unconditional
and therefore the NWS must constantly move towards meeting this obligation,
even if there is no target date for its fulfilment. However, in the last decade,
there has been no progress on the issue of nuclear disarmament. Contrarily, the
NWS is renovating and modernising their nuclear arsenals. Also, arms control
and disarmament treaties, such as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty,
have been abandoned and the New START expires in 2021, with no guarantee
that it will be extended.
In this context, some critics argue that the NWS has not engaged in fulfilling
their end of the bargain, that is, nuclear disarmament, so the NNWS must
consider that they are the only side doing their part. On the other hand, one of
the positions within this debate is one in which non-proliferation and nuclear
disarmament are perceived as causally linked. Therefore, for nuclear disarmament
to occur, non-proliferation must be ensured (Carlson 2019).
Also, there is the argument that non-proliferation is also a security interest
for NNWS. In that sense, in his article “Is the NPT Still Relevant? How to Advance
the Disarmament Provisions of the NPT”, John Carlson presents the perspective
that the NPT consists of a “three-way bargain”:
Some critics argue that nuclear-weapon states have not lived up to their
end of the bargain, so non-nuclear-weapon states should consider that they
are no longer bound. This overlooks the deeper nature of the NPT as a
three-way bargain: the NPT is not just a bargain between nuclear-weapon
states and non-nuclear-weapon states, it is just as important as a bargain
between non-nuclear-weapon states themselves. […] It is essential for
the security of non-nuclear-weapon states that they are not facing nuclear
threats from other non-nuclear-weapon states (Carlson 2019, 99).
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
However, Kassenova (2016) observes that some NNWS, as is the case in
Brazil, pay special attention to states that are the major claimants of additional
non-proliferation efforts, which are generally the NWS. So, if the major claims
for additional non-proliferation efforts are the NWS, the NNWS are waiting to
see what efforts and results are achieved in nuclear disarmament.
Summarily, the debate over whether non-proliferation efforts should be
accompanied by more NWS disarmament outcomes, or whether non-proliferation
is a precondition for NWS disarmament, continues to be a hot topic, both in
academia as in the foreign ministries of several member states of the NPT. The
commitment of an NNWS to additional non-proliferation efforts, such as the AP,
is present in this debate. For states like Brazil, as shown in this article, additional
non-proliferation commitments will only occur after the NWS shows evidence
that nuclear disarmament is being effectively enforced.
However, this article argues that the refusal to sign the AP, as a method of
additionally pressuring the NWS to comply with Article VI of the NPT, is an
inefficient position that is weakened year after year, given the increasing number
of signatories of the AP.
To seek answers to the proposed research question and to corroborate the
assumption made, the article aims to show how adherence to the AP has been
growing, including by states involved in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and,
using the Brazilian position on the AP as a case study, highlights how the AP’s
refusal is an inefficient way to pressure the NWS to comply with Article VI of
the NPT.
To achieve the proposed objectives, this article is developed in three steps.
Firstly, it presents a brief description of the purpose of the AP and the evolution
of the number of states that have adhered to it. Secondly, it analyses the Brazilian
official position concerning the AP. Thirdly, it identifies and analyses the states
involved in the peaceful use of nuclear energy that has signed an AP with the
IAEA and how this could affect the Brazilian position of refusing to sign an AP
as a way to pressure the NWS to comply with Article VI of the NPT.
The Additional Protocol: Purpose and Numbers
To understand the objectives and purposes of the AP, it is worth reviewing
the commitments, in terms of safeguards, made by NPT signatories such as
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
NNWS, and the gaps in those commitments evidenced in cases involving Iraq
and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Under Article III of the NPT, all parties to the NNWS must enter into a
safeguards agreement with the IAEA. This safeguards agreement is known as the
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) and is regulated by INFCIRC/153/
. Given the near-universal membership of the NPT, CSAs are also virtually
The purpose of the CSA is to ensure that NNWS have the right to use nuclear
energy peacefully without concerns from other NPT signatories that nuclear
activities will be used to develop nuclear weapons. However, these safeguards
are verified solely based on the information provided by the signatory state, as
established by INFCIRC/153. That is, the IAEA is expected to verify the data and
facilities that a signatory state to the NPT has declared. According to former IAEA
director (1997 to 2009) Mohamed ElBaradei (2011, 18): “The Agency was only
expected to verify the data that a particular country had declared. Our authority
and mechanisms to search for nuclear materials or facilities that had not been
formally declared were restricted. That may sound a bit naive, and it actually was”.
The IAEA’s experiences in Iraq and the DPRK in the early 1990s highlighted
weaknesses in detecting undeclared nuclear material and activities in states
whose governments violated the terms of the NPT.
Regarding Iraq, the IAEA safeguards agreement allowed the Agency to
inspect a limited number of sites at the Tuwaitha nuclear research centre. In 1991,
following the defeat of Saddam Hussein in the First Gulf War, the IAEA discovered
facilities undeclared by Iraq in Tuwaitha and other places that inspectors were
not authorized to visit. At these facilities, Iraq secretly enriched uranium and
carried out reprocessing experiments (Hibbs 2012).
In the DPRK, the case was much more complex. Although the DPRK signed
the NPT in 1985, it did not ratify its safeguards agreement with the IAEA until
April 1992. The DPRK operated a nuclear reactor in Yongbyon for the entire
period in which no safeguards were applied and, according to Graham (2004),
the reactor did not stop until the late 1980s, which allowed enough time to
reprocess the spent fuel and obtain plutonium.
According to Sigal (1997), during the second ad hoc inspection in Yongbyon
in July 1992, the DPRK stated that it had separated about 90 grams of plutonium
6 INFCIRC/153/Corr − The Structure And Content Of Agreements Between The Agency And States Required In
Connection With The Treaty On The Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (see IAEA, INFCIRC/153/Corr).
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
in the early 1990s. However, the inspectors detected an ‘anomaly’ in the initial
declaration of the DPRK to the IAEA and the analysis noted that the reprocessing
had occurred on three occasions – in 1989, 1990, and 1991 – and involved
different batches of irradiated material, suggesting that there were over 90 grams
of plutonium declared by the DPRK. The question was: where was this plutonium
and how much was there?
The United States later informed the IAEA that its satellites had found two waste
storage facilities near the Yongbyon nuclear reactor. When the IAEA requested a
special inspection of the sites, the DPRK rejected it as a violation of its sovereignty
(see Graham 2004; Sigal 1997). This started the well-known series of crises with
the DPRK, marked by apparent advances that were followed by recurring setbacks,
culminating in the country’s withdrawal from the NPT in January 2003 and the
detonation of nuclear devices in 2006, 2009, 2013, 2016, and in 2017.
These two cases – the enrichment of uranium by Iraq and the reprocessing
of uranium for plutonium by the DPRK – highlighted the weaknesses of the CSAs
established under INFCIRC/153. In other words, the safeguards system, based only
in the “good faith” of the states in the integrity of the declarations that describe
the existing nuclear materials and facilities, proved incapable of preventing the
illegal development of nuclear weapons. In the case of Iraq, which established a
parallel programme, there was no deviation or failure in accounting for what was
declared. The clandestine programme was limited to using undeclared facilities and
material, escaping the scope of the procedures established by current regulations.
In this context, at the end of 1993, the IAEA initiated a broad programme
to improve and strengthen the application of safeguards under the CSAs. This
led to Program 93+2 and later to the Model Additional Protocol, designed for
states that have a safeguards agreement with the IAEA.
This model was established in May 1997 by INFCIRC/540 – Additional
Model Protocol to the Agreement(s) between States and the International Atomic
Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards. In December 1998, the model
presented in INFCIRC/540 was modified in articles 2.a. (ii), 2.a. (ix) (b), 4.a.
(iii), 17 and 18.b, which give rise to the current INFCIRC/540 (Corrected) (see
IAEA, INFCIRC/540/Corr).
The model consists of a preamble, 18 articles, and two annexes. Articles
2 to 10 focus on the main provisions relating to the application of safeguards.
7 The name 93+2 reflected that the program was drafted in 1993 with the intention of being implemented in
two years (Arms Control Association 2019).
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Article 2 lists the activities related to nuclear energy to be declared by the
State Party. Annexes I and II are directly linked to this article. Annex I presents
the list of activities referred to in article 2.a. (iv), and Annex II presents the list
of equipment and non-nuclear materials specified for notification of exports and
imports following Article 2.a. (ix).
Article 3 establishes the deadlines and frequency for updating the information
established in Article 2. Articles 4 to 10 deal with complementary access, that
is, the right of access for IAEA inspectors, as well as the requirements and
rules of procedure for the State party and the IAEA. It is important to note
that Article 7 establishes that, at the request of a state, the IAEA and the state
‘will make arrangements for controlled access under this Protocol to prevent
the dissemination of proliferation-sensitive information, to comply with the
requirements of security or physical protection, or to protect confidential or
commercially sensitive information’.
The point to be made here is that the model provides the means to address
sensitive information and technology developed by a state party. This was necessary
as it is difficult to believe that, for example, Germany, the Netherlands, and the
United Kingdom, the owners of the Uranium Enrichment Company (URENCO)
would sign an agreement exposing the confidential and proprietary information
related to their enrichment techniques and facilities.
Summarily, when analysing the content of the AP model presented in
INFCIRC/540 (Corrected), it is possible to verify the substantial increase of the
IAEA provisions that ensure the absence of material and activities not declared
by all the states that are part of the NPT.
The strengthening measures include:
More information provided by the state party, and IAEA access to all
facilities related to the state’s nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mines
to nuclear waste disposal.
A broader IAEA right of access to these facilities to verify the information
declared by the State Party.
IAEA access on short notice to all nuclear fuel cycle-related facilities in
the state.
8 URENCO is a uranium enrichment consortium, by centrifugation, which was founded following the signing
of the Treaty of Almelo (1970) by the governments of Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. URENCO is
unique in the world enrichment market in having four enrichment facilities in four different countries: Gronau
(Germany), Almelo (the Netherlands), Capenhurst (United Kingdom), and Eunice (New Mexico, USA).
(URENCO 2018).
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
More information provided by the state party on the manufacture, export,
and import of sensitive equipment related to nuclear energy and the
IAEA’s access to these locations.
The right of the IAEA to collect environmental samples in declared
locations and in other places that the Agency considers necessary to
verify the declared information.
A simplified procedure for the designation of IAEA inspectors and
the appropriate multiple entry/exit and/or transit visas to allow the
inspector to enter and remain in the territory of the State party (see
IAEA, Strengthening Measures).
The AP fills the gaps in INFCIRC/153 and provides the IAEA with an overview
of all key points of a State party’s nuclear programme and infrastructure. Summarily,
the AP improves the quantity and quality of information that is made available
for IAEA analysis, contributing to two of the pillars of the NPT: preventing the
proliferation of nuclear weapons and ensuring the continued peaceful use of
nuclear weapons energy by the NNWS.
Adherence to the AP did not get off to a promising start, as in 2000 an AP
was “in force” in only 11 states. However, in the years that followed, the number
of states with an “in force” AP increased substantially, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1 – Status of AP ‘in force’ – Evolution of the Number of States
Number of States with AP In Force
31 Dec. 2000 31 Dec. 2005 31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2015 30 Sep. 2020
11 States 60 States 103 States 127 States 136 States
Source: Prepared by the author based on data from the IAEA Status List. Conclusion of Additional Protocols.
As of September 2020, an AP was in force in 136 states. Another 14 states
have signed an AP but have not yet put it into force,
and another two are in the
process of signing.
Therefore, of the 193 member states of the UN, 149 have
already signed an AP with the IAEA.
In this context, it is worth highlighting the Brazilian official position of
refusing an AP with the IAEA, even though Brazil is an active defender of the
non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear disarmament.
9 Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cabo Verde, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Kiribati, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Timor-
Leste, Tunisia, and Zambia (see IAEA, Status List. Conclusion of Additional Protocols).
10 Sao Tome and Principe, and Sri Lanka (see IAEA, Status List. Conclusion of Additional Protocols).
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Brazil and the Additional Protocol
The Federal Constitution of Brazil, in Title III, Chapter II, Article 21, paragraph
XXIII, point a), determines that the use of nuclear energy is exclusively for
peaceful purposes: All nuclear activity within the national territory will only
be admitted with peaceful purposes and subject to the approval of the National
Congress (Brazil 1988).
Since the democratisation of the country in the second half of the eighties,
the Brazilian State has renounced nuclear weapons programmes and has opted
for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, without renouncing the domain of the
uranium enrichment cycle, nor the development of nuclear research, and its use
for power generation and propulsion for ships.
At the end of the 1990s, Brazil has already inserted in the nuclear weapons
non-proliferation regime, becoming a signatory of the following treaties: the
Treaty of Tlatelolco, the Quadripartite Agreement (INFCIRC/435),
the NPT,
the Complete Prohibition Nuclear Test Treaty (CTBT), the Antarctic Treaty, the
Outer Space Treaty, and the Seabed Arms Control Treaty. Also, the country has
been a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group since April 1996.
Even before becoming a State Party to the NPT, Brazil had already signed a
CSA with the IAEA. This agreement, known as the Quadripartite Agreement and
referred to in the IAEA as INFCIRC/435, was signed in 1991 by Brazil, Argentina,
the IAEA, and the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of
Nuclear Materials (ABACC),
entering into force in 1994.
Through the Quadripartite Agreement, both Brazil and Argentina placed all
nuclear material and all nuclear activities under IAEA safeguards. The agreement
applies two sets of measures. The first set deals with the verification of reports
on nuclear materials and activities declared by the two states parties (Argentina
and Brazil). Some complementary measures are taken to ensure the accuracy
11 Agreement of 13 December 1991 Between the Republic of Argentina, The Federative Republic of Brazil, The
Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials, and The International Atomic
Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards (see IAEA, INFCIRC/435).
12 The Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials was created on July 18,
1991, with the signing of the Agreement between Argentina and Brazil for the Exclusively Peaceful Use of
Nuclear Energy. After having been approved by the Congresses of the two countries, the Agreement entered
into force in December 1991. The principal mission of ABACC is to guarantee Argentina, Brazil and the
international community that all the existing nuclear materials and facilities in the two countries are being
used for exclusively peaceful purposes (ABACC, About).
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and reliability of the statements, among which are the application of security
seals and the installation of surveillance cameras at key points within the nuclear
facilities (Ximenes 2019).
The second set of measures comprises inspections similar to those provided
for in INFICIRC/153, that is, ad hoc inspections, routine inspections, and special
inspections. These inspections, as well as the notifications and previous deadlines
for their performance, are specified in Article 81 of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Notifications can be made within 24 hours and up to a week in advance. Article
82 of the Quadripartite Agreement establishes the possibility for the IAEA to
carry out part of the routine inspections without prior notice. These inspections
are called “random sampling” (see, IAEA, INFCIRC/435; and Ximenes 2019).
Brazil’s adherence to the nuclear weapons non-proliferation regime is clear.
However, the limits regarding the deepening of this participation are clearly
marked, since successive Brazilian governments have indicated that Brazil is
already inserted in the non-proliferation regime following the Brazilian Constitution
and the NPT. Therefore, additional measures towards nuclear non-proliferation,
by the Brazilian State, should be adopted only in exchange for great efforts on
nuclear disarmament of the NWS.
This Brazilian position has been presented by its political and diplomatic
representatives, as well as expressed in successive editions of the Brazilian
National Defence Strategy (END):
Brazil will ensure that access routes are kept open for the development of
its nuclear technologies. It will not adhere to amendments to the Treaty on
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons that extend the restrictions of
the Treaty until the nuclear-weapon States advance on the central premise
of the Treaty: their nuclear disarmament.
(Brazil 2008, 34 and 2012, 96).
The 2016 National Defence Strategy, approved by the Brazilian Congress
in 2018, addresses this issue more gently, but still emphasises the need for the
disarmament of the NWS.
The 2020 edition of the National Defence Strategy, recently presented to the
National Congress for its analysis and enactment, reaffirms the Brazilian State’s
13 O Brasil zelará por manter abertas as vias de acesso ao desenvolvimento de suas tecnologias de energia
nuclear. Não aderirá a acréscimos ao Tratado de Não Proliferação de Armas Nucleares destinados a ampliar
as restrições do Tratado sem que as potências nucleares tenham avançado, de forma significativa, na premissa
central do Tratado: seu próprio desarmamento nuclear. (Brazil 2008, 34 and 2012, 96).
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
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commitment to non-proliferation and the total elimination of existing nuclear
weapons. Likewise, this document clearly states that Brazil has not renounced
the peaceful use of nuclear technology (Brazil, 2020, 34 and 58).
Summarily, Brazil expressed in successive editions of its National Defence
Strategy (Brazil, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020), that it opted for peaceful use without
renouncing the domain of nuclear technology. This position, embodied in the
Federal Constitution of 1988 and attested by the active Brazilian participation
in the regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, has as its fundamental
premise the progressive disarmament of armed nuclear states.
It is worth noting that the development of a conventional nuclear-powered
submarine is one of the Brazilian strategic programmes highlighted in all editions
of the National Defence Strategy (see Brazil 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020). The
suspicion that the signing of an AP may compromise this programme cannot be
ruled out as one of the undeclared reasons that reinforce the current Brazilian
position. Reactors used for the propulsion of submarines, ships, and other military
platforms are not subject to a prohibition or restriction by the NPT or any other
treaty. However, this opens the door to criticism derived from the perception
that the use of nuclear energy for the propulsion of military ships is a breach in
the non-proliferation regime (Thielmann & Hoffman 2012).
This issue has never been raised as a source of controversy, as only the five
NWS recognised in the NPT and India, which is not a signatory to the NPT, use
nuclear-powered submarines. However, with the steady advancement of the
Brazilian conventional nuclear-powered submarine programme, this issue could
become a hot spot on the non-proliferation agenda, as Brazil is the only NNWS
with this type of programme.
It should also be noted that the CSA signed by the Brazilian State, that is,
the Quadripartite Agreement provides, in its article 13, that the States Parties
(Brazil and Argentina), if they wish to use nuclear material for the propulsion
of vehicles, including submarines, must inform the IAEA of this intention, and
“make an arrangement” with the IAEA containing special procedures for not
applying safeguards while nuclear material is used for nuclear propulsion (see
IAEA, INFCIRC/435). However, to date, the Brazilian State has not submitted
to the IAEA any proposal for special procedures related to nuclear material that
will be used to promote the CNPS.
Therefore, even with Brazil as an active member of the nuclear non-proli
feration regime, the lack of additional safeguards can raise controversial issues.
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Despite the possible problems related to the development of the conventional
nuclear-powered submarine programme, the position of rejecting an AP is not
exclusive to the Brazilian military. As already mentioned, it has been expressed
during the last two decades by successive Brazilian diplomats and foreign ministers.
A high-ranking Brazilian diplomat declared that the AP is only an instrument
to slow down the technological development of countries where there is the
capacity for such development, such as Brazil. ‘Where this capacity does not
exist, the Protocol is of no importance, neither for those who benefit from it
(nuclear states) nor for those who are subject to their obligations (non-nuclear
states that do not have uranium, technology or industrial capacity)’.
same diplomat has even stated that: ‘Accepting the Additional Protocol and the
internationalisation of uranium enrichment would therefore be a crime against
the country’
(see Guimarães 2010).
In a less ideological way and in line with the Brazilian diplomatic tradition,
other diplomats emphasise that the regime structured around the NPT cannot focus
solely on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. The speech by Ambassador
Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, then Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United
Nations, stated at the 2015 NPT Review Conference of the Parties:
[…] As long as nuclear weapons exist, there will be States and non-state
actors tempted to acquire or develop them. Brazil is firmly committed to
the goal of nuclear non-proliferation. […] Brazil cannot accept that the
burden of the NPT regime continues to fall exclusively on non-nuclear-
weapon States, with the increasing imposition of obligations that affect
only those that already faithfully comply with the obligations of the Treaty
(UN 2015, 8).
Regarding the position of the Brazilian State on non-proliferation commitments
vis-a-vis the advancement of nuclear disarmament by the NWS, the page on
Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Brazil, consulted on July 14, 2020, files the following statement:
14 ‘Onde não há essa capacidade não tem o Protocolo qualquer importância, nem para os que dele se beneficiam
(os Estados nucleares) nem para aqueles que a suas obrigações se submetem (os Estados não-nucleares que
não detêm urânio, nem tecnologia, nem capacidade industrial e que são a maioria esmagadora dos países do
mundo)’. (see Guimarães 2010).
15 Aceitar o Protocolo Adicional e a internacionalização do enriquecimento de urânio seria, assim, um crime
de lesa-pátria’ (see Guimarães 2010).
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
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The promotion of nuclear disarmament must be high on the international
community’s agenda. Over forty years after it entered into force in 1970,
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) has achieved
great success in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons between
countries other than those that already possessed them. However, there
was little progress concerning eliminating the nuclear arsenals maintained
by nuclear-weapon states. It is estimated that there are still over 17,000
nuclear warheads in the world today (of which over 4,000 are actively
deployed) […]. Brazil understands that there is a clear compliance gap
concerning the implementation of the commitment of the nuclear-weapon
States to nuclear disarmament (see Brazil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons).
The statement points to the Brazilian foreign policy understanding that
nuclear disarmament cannot be dissociated from non-proliferation efforts and
that there has been continuity in this position over the past two decades. The
official position of the Brazilian State regarding AP is to refuse to sign until there
is significant progress in nuclear disarmament by the NWS. It can be inferred that
the position of the Brazilian State is associated with the perception that it is a
form of pressure on the nuclear-weapon States to comply with their disarmament
obligations under Article VI of the NPT.
However, considering the current number of adherents to the AP, it is worth
returning to the research question for this article: is this position an effective
way to pressure the NWS to comply with Article VI of the NPT?
The AP Signatories and Their Involvement in the Peaceful Use
of Nuclear Energy
This section identifies and analyses the states involved in the peaceful
use of nuclear energy, with and without a signed/effective AP, and how this
participation could affect the Brazilian position of no additional non-proliferation
commitments without nuclear disarmament by the NWS. For this, the use of
nuclear power reactors for electricity generation and research reactors, mainly
among NNWS, are considered analytical axes of participation in the peaceful
use of nuclear energy.
Based on the analysis proposed by nuclear power reactors, Table 2 shows
the states that have an AP signed/in force with the IAEA and their number of
nuclear reactors (NPR), in operation or under construction.
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Table 2 – States with a signed/effective AP (as of September 2020) and their NPR
Number of NPR's
INFCIRC Entry in Force
Operational Under
1 Armenia 1 - 455/Add.1-2 28 Jun. 2004
2 Bangladesh - 2 301/Add.1 30 Mar. 2001
3 Belarus - 2 AP Signature 15 Nov. 2005
4 Belgium 7 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
5 Bulgaria 2 - 193/Add.24 1 May 2009
6 Canada 19 - 164/Add.1 8 Sep. 2000
7 China (NWS) 46 11 369/Add.1 28 Mar. 2002
8 Czech Rep. 6 - 193/Add.26 1 Oct. 2009
9 Finland 4 1 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
10 France (NWS) 58 1 290/Add.1 30 Apr. 2004
11 Germany 7 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
12 Hungary 4 - 193/Add.16 1 Jul. 2007
13 India 22 7 754/Add.6 25 Jul. 2014
14 Iran 1 - AP Signature 18 Dec. 2003
15 Japan 38 2 255/Add.1 16 Dec. 1999
16 Korea, Rep. 24 5 236/Add.1 19 Feb. 2004
17 Mexico 2 - 197/Add.1 4 Mar. 2011
18 Netherlands 1 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
19 Romania 2 - 193/Add.28 1 May 2010
20 Russia (NWS) 36 6 327/Add.1 16 Oct. 2007
21 Slovakia 4 2 193/Add.10 1 Dec. 2005
22 Slovenia 1 - 193/Add.12 1 Sep. 2006
23 South Africa 2 - 394/Add.1 13 Sep. 2002
24 Spain 7 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr.2004
25 Sweden 8 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
26 Switzerland 5 - 264/Add.1 1 Feb. 2005
27 Turkey - 1 295/Add.1 17 Jul. 2001
28 U.A. Emirates 1 3 622/Add.1 20 Dec. 2010
29 Ukraine 15 2 550/Add.1 24 Jan. 2006
30 UK (NWS) 15 1 263/Add.1 30 Apr. 2004
31 USA (NWS) 98 2 288/Add.1 6 Jan. 2009
Source: Prepared by the author based on data from the IAEA, Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), and IAEA,
Status List. Conclusion of Additional Protocols.
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
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Table 3 presents the states without an AP signed with the IAEA and their
number of nuclear power reactors in operation or under construction.
Table 3 – States without an Additional Protocol Signed / In Force with IAEA
(as of September 2020) and their Nuclear Power Reactors
Number of Nuclear Power Reactors
Operational Under Construction
1 Argentina (NNWS) 3 1
2 Brazil (NNWS) 2 1
3 Pakistan (NPT Non-signatory) 5 2
Source: Prepared by the author based on data from the IAEA, Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
Some facts and inferences related to states with nuclear reactors in operation
or under construction taken from Tables 2 and 3:
Of the 34 states with nuclear reactors, 31 have an AP signed or in force
with the IAEA (91.2%). The exceptions are Argentina, Brazil and Pakistan.
Of the 31 states with nuclear reactors and a signed AP, 29 AP are “in
force” (93.5%). The exceptions are Iran and Belarus.
Of the 34 states with nuclear reactors, 32 are signatories to the NPT
(94.1%). The exceptions are India and Pakistan.
Of the 31 states with nuclear power reactors and one signed AP, 25 are
NNWS, five are NWS and one is a nuclear-armed state not recognised
by the NPT (India).
The five NWS (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United
States of America) are not required to have IAEA safeguards agreements
under the NPT. However, these five states have signed voluntary offer
safeguards covering civil nuclear facilities and have also concluded AP
with the IAEA.
India is not a signatory to the NPT. However, it has placed its civilian
nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards and has an AP in place.
Of the 27 NNWS that have nuclear reactors, only two – Brazil and
Argentina – do not have AP with the IAEA (7.4%). Therefore, Brazil and
Argentina represent a small subset of the NNWS that are involved in the
peaceful use of nuclear energy without an AP with the IAEA.
Continuing with the proposed analysis, Table 4 shows the states with an AP
signed/in force with the IAEA and their number of research reactors.
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
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Table 4 – States with an Additional Protocol Signed/In Force with the IAEA
(September 2020) and their Research Reactors
R.R Status
INFCIRC Entry in Force
Planned Shutdown
or Under
1 Algeria 1 - - 1 - Signature 16 Feb. 2018
2 Australia 1 - - 1 2 217/Add.1 12 Dec. 1997
3 Austria 1 - - - 2 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
4 Bangladesh 1 - - - - 301/Add.1 30 Mar. 2001
5 Belarus 3 - - 1 1 Signature 15 Nov. 2005
6 Belgium 3 - 1 - 3 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
7 Bulgaria - - - 1 - 193/Add.24 1 May 2009
8 Canada 5 - - 5 8 164/Add.1 8 Sep. 2000
9 Chile 1 - - 1 - 476/Add.1 3 Nov. 2003
10 China (NWS) 16 - 3 3 2 369/Add.1 28 Mar. 2002
11 Colombia 1 - - - - 306/Add.1 5 Mar. 2009
12 Czech Rep. 3 - 1 - 2 193/Add.26 1 Oct. 2009
13 Congo - - - 2 - 183/Add.1 9 Apr. 2003
14 Denmark - - - - 3 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
15 Finland - - - 1 1 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
16 France (NWS) 3 1 - 6 29 290/Add.1 30 Apr. 2004
17 Georgia - - - - 1 617/Add.1 3 Jun. 2003
18 Germany 5 - - 3 38 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
19 Ghana 1 - - - - 226/Add.1-2 11 Jun. 2004
20 Greece 1 - - 2 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
21 Hungary 2 - - - 2 193/Add.16 1 Jul. 2007
22 India 5 - 2 1 5 754/Add.6 25 Jul. 2014
23 Indonesia 3 - - - - 283/Add.1 29 Sep. 1999
24 Iran, Isl. Rep. 4 - - - 1 Signature 18 Dec. 2003
25 Iraq - - - 2 - 172/Add.2-3 10 Oct. 2012
26 Italy 5 - - 1 10 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
27 Jamaica 1 - - - - 265/Add.1 19 Mar. 2003
28 Japan 3 - - 9 17 255/Add.1 16 Dec. 1999
29 Jordan 2 - - - - 258/Add.1 28 Jul. 1998
30 Kazakhstan 4 - - 1 - 504/Add.1 9 May 2007
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
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R.R Status
INFCIRC Entry in Force
Planned Shutdown
or Under
31 Korea, Rep. 2 - 1 - 2 236/Add.1 19 Feb. 2004
32 Latvia - - - 1 1 193/Add.22 1 Oct. 2008
33 Libya 1 - - 1 - 282/Add.1 11 Aug. 2006
34 Malaysia 1 - - - - Signature 22 Nov. 2005
35 Mexico 2 - - 1 1 197/Add.1 4 Mar. 2011
36 Morocco 1 - - - - 228/Add.1 21 Apr. 2011
37 Netherlands 2 - 1 1 5 193/Add.8 30 April 2004
38 Nigeria 1 - 1 - - 358/Add.1 4 Apr. 2007
39 Norway - - - 2 2 177/Add.1 16 May 2000
40 Peru 2 - - - - 273/Add.1 23 Jul. 2001
41 Philippines - - - 1 - 216/Add.1 26 Feb. 2010
42 Poland 1 - -- - 5 193/Add.14 1 Mar. 2007
43 Portugal - - 1 - 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
44 Romania 2 - - - 3 193/Add.28 1 May 2010
45 Russia (NWS) 52 3 - 17 52 327/Add.1 16 Oct. 2007
46 Serbia - - - 1 1 204/Add.1 17 Sep. 2018
47 Slovenia 1 - - - - 193/Add.12 1 Sep. 2006
48 South Africa 1 - - - 1 394/Add.1 13 Sep. 2002
49 Spain - - - - 4 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
50 Sweden - - - - 5 193/Add.8 30 Apr. 2004
51 Switzerland 1 - - - 5 264/Add.1 1 Feb. 2005
52 Taiwan 1 - - 1 4 See Note*
53 Tajikistan - 1 - - - 639/Add.1 14 Dec. 2004
54 Thailand 1 - 1 - - 241/Add.1 17 Nov. 2017
55 Turkey 1 - - 1 1 295/Add.1 17 Jul. 2001
56 Ukraine 3 1 1 - - 550/Add.1 24 Jan. 2006
57 UK (NWS) 1 - - 2 44 263/Add.1 30 Apr. 2004
58 USA (NWS) 50 - - 14 243 288/Add.1 6 Jan. 2009
59 Uruguay - - - - 1 157/Add.1 30 Apr. 2004
60 Uzbekistan 1 - - - 1 508/Add.1-2 21 Dec. 1998
61 Vietnam 1 - 1 - - 852/Add.1 21 May 2013
* The IAEA also applies the INFCIRC/540/Corr. for Taiwan. However, the relations between the IAEA and the
authorities in Taiwan are non-governmental.
Source: Prepared by the author based on data from the IAEA Research Reactor Database; and IAEA. Status List.
Conclusion of Additional Protocols.
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Table 5 presents the number of research reactors in states without an AP.
Table 5 – States without an Additional Protocol Signed / Into Force with the IAEA
(September 2020) and their Research Reactors
Research Reactors Status
Operational Under
Planned Shutdown Decommissioned
or Under
1 Argentina 5 2 - 1 1
2 Brazil 4 - 1 - -
3 DPRK 1 - - - -
4 Egypt 1 - - 1 -
5 Israel 2 - - - -
6 Pakistan 2 - -- - --
7 Saudi Arabia - 1 - - -
8 Syria 1 - - -
9 Venezuela - - - 1 -
Source: Prepared by the author based on data from the IAEA. Research Reactor Database; and IAEA. Status List.
Conclusion of Additional Protocols.
Some facts and inferences are drawn from Tables 4 and 5:
Of the 70 states that have research reactors, 61 are NNWS, five are NWS
and four are nuclear-armed states not recognised by the NPT (the DPRK,
India, Israel, and Pakistan).
Of the 70 states that have research reactors, 61 have an AP with the IAEA
(87.1%). The exceptions are Brazil, Argentina, the DPRK, Egypt, Israel,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Venezuela.
Of the 61 states with research reactors and a signed AP, 57 have the
current status. The exceptions are Algeria, Belarus, Iran, and Malaysia.
Of the NNWS that have research reactors, only six – Brazil, Argentina,
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Venezuela – have not signed an AP.
If only working research reactors are considered, there are 49 states with
a signed AP.
Of these 49 states with at least one working research reactor and a signed
AP, 43 are NNWS, five are NWS and only one is a nuclear-armed state
not recognised by the NPT (India).
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
Of the nine states with research reactors that do not have an AP signed
with the IAEA, seven have operating research reactors. The others are
Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
As already mentioned, as of September 2020, there were 150 signatory states
of the AP, 136 of which have ratified it. Only six NNWS that use, or have used,
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes have not signed an AP: Argentina, Brazil,
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Venezuela (see Tables 3 and 5).
Summarily, Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 show that most of the states that are involved
with the peaceful use of nuclear energy, whether in research or the generation of
electricity by nuclear power plants, are signatories to an AP with the IAEA. Of the
61 NNWS that have some involvement in nuclear research and/or power generation,
55 are AP signatories. That is, the non-nuclear weapons states signatories of the
AP are active in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. This undermines the narrative
that the signatories to an AP with the IAEA are states that cannot use, or have
renounced the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, following the NPT.
In this context, how does the current position of the Brazilian State concerning
the AP contribute to the disarmament of the NWS? The position of refusing an
AP to pressure the NWS to move forward with nuclear disarmament does not
appear to affect a context in which most NNWS, including most of those using
nuclear power, are already signatories to an AP with the IAEA.
It is worth mentioning that among the 24 NNWS that use nuclear energy
both for the generation of energy for peaceful purposes and research purposes,
only Brazil and Argentina do not have an AP signed with the IAEA. This position
represents the almost complete isolation of Argentina and Brazil with the adherence
to the additional safeguards that the AP made possible. This stance does not
appear to promote an effective form of pressure aimed at the nuclear disarmament
of the nuclear-weapon States. To date, there is no record of any NWS reducing
its nuclear arsenal due to the Brazilian refusal to sign the AP.
The AP strengthens the IAEAs ability to ensure that the peaceful use of
nuclear energy is not used as a cover for the development of nuclear weapons
programmes. With the detail of the information that States parties must declare,
Marcos Valle Machado da Silva
Rev. Carta Inter., Belo Horizonte, v. 16, n. 1, e1108, 2021
along with the greater number of sites to be inspected, the IAEA is better able
to guarantee the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy by NNWS, without
hindering or compromising sensitive technologies developed by the NNWS and
its private companies. The AP model contained in INFCIRC/540/Corr provides
for this and it is up to each state that signs an AP to guarantee this condition.
Some misunderstandings related to the AP are being undone and the number
of states that have signed an AP and enforced it is growing to the point that it is
becoming the norm. By the time of finalising this article, in October 2020, 150
states had signed an AP, including 55 of the 61 NNWS that have some form of
nuclear activities. In other words, of the 193 member states of the UN, 149 have
already signed an AP with the IAEA. Each year this number increases, weakening
the position of states that advocate signing an AP only when the NWS advance
their commitment to nuclear disarmament.
As of October 2020, only six NNWS with some type of nuclear activity have
not signed an AP: Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Venezuela.
These states are, at this time, a minority among UN member states, and among the
NPT states that, for different reasons, have refused to go ahead with strengthened
commitments regarding the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
In this context, insisting on the non-commitment to an AP without progress
in nuclear disarmament appears to be innocuous and ineffective. In this sense,
the Brazilian position of no additional nuclear non-proliferation commitments,
as a way of exerting some pressure on the NWS to comply with Article VI of the
NPT, seems to be an inefficient position that weakens year after year given the
growing number of signatories to the AP.
However, it is important to make a caveat in the research carried out given
that an accurate and traceable empirical basis – relative to the refusal to sign the
AP was an ineffective way to pressure the NWS to comply with Article VI of the
NPT – was not found. There is not possible to claim that no progress has been
made in disarming the NWS because of this refusal. However, it is possible to infer
that this position is weakened year after year given that most states are already
signatories to an AP and each year the number of non-signatory states decreases.
Once this caveat is made, it is worth noting that maintaining the current
position of the Brazilian State to refuse any type of additional safeguards before
the IAEA may generate opposition to the development of the Brazilian programme
of conventional nuclear-powered submarines. Therefore, as the CNPS programme
progresses successfully, pressure from the international community to increase
Brazil and the Refusal to the Additional Protocol: Is It Time to Review this Position?
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the gap in the nuclear non-proliferation regime may be eliminated by signing
additional safeguards for naval propulsion reactors.
On the other hand, considering an AP, or additional safeguards in line with
article 13 of INFCIRC/435, with the IAEA, without jeopardising the development
and operation of the Brazilian conventional nuclear submarine, could leverage the
Brazilian position as an active member of the nuclear non-proliferation regime
and also be a model for this issue if, in the future, other states seek to develop
nuclear-powered submarines.
All these factors will inevitably bring to discussion the inclusion of Brazil in
the AP or the adoption of additional safeguards that involve arrangements with
special procedures for the nuclear fuel used in the CNPS, as provided in article
13 of INFCIRC/435. In this discussion, the only position that the Brazilian State
should not adopt would be not to question and evaluate whether it’s a position
to refuse an AP – or any other type of additional safeguards – will respond to its
strategic interests. Failure to see this reality could lead to a situation of isolation
that may be perceived too late.
Gone are the days when, in Brazil, considering signing an AP would be
a crime against the country.” Today it is a necessity to guarantee Brazilian
strategic interests, and to ensure Brazil’s position as a state actively committed
to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and capable of pressing for nuclear
disarmament with its example and leadership.
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